Morro CASTLE—Oriente—Passenger—Ocean—Twin Screw—Electric Name—MOorRrRo CASTLE Owner—Atlantic Gulf & West Indies Co. Builder—Newport News S. B. & D.D. Co. Naval Architect—Theodore E. Ferris Launched—March 5, ’30; comp. Aug. 15, ’30 Sister Ship—ORIENTE; launched, May 15, ’30; completed, Nov. 21, ’30 Classification—American Bureau of Shipping HULL PARTICULARS Length over all, 508 feet; length between per- pendiculars, 482 feet; breadth molded, 70 feet 9 inches; depth molded to shelter deck at side, 39 feet; draft, 27 feet; displacement loaded, 15,- 870 tons; gross tonnage, 11,300; net tonnage, 5700; passenger capacity, first class, 437; tour- ist class, 95; cargo capacity, 6700 tons and in cubie feet, 335,000; bunker fuel oil capacity in tons, 1838; speed at sea, 20 knots. MACHINERY PARTICULARS Main Engines—Two, General Electric turbine generating units and two electric motors direct connected to propellers. Total horsepower, 18,- 000 at 146 revolutions per minute. Machinery and vessel descibed in MARINE REVIEW, for Sep- tember, 1930. The generators are alternating current and each of 6000 kilowatts capacity. Boilers—Six, Babcock & Wilcox watertube marine boilers with a total heating surface of 43,008 square feet and total superheating sur- face of 3444 square feet; working pressure, 300 pounds; 200 degrees Fahr. superheat; fuel, oil. ry | rit) og Deere ER ee (' ‘of rae <1] L Lg tH nats yee ee] | Tt eee ees | Ce Bit ees DESCRIPTION Fast, luxurious lin- ers for the New York- Havana passenger and high class freight serv- ice. A modern propel- ling plant is combined with hull construction, public rooms and pas- senger quarters of the highest order, particu- larly suitable for this service. In building these two vessels the questions of quality uppermost in mind. Auxiliary Generators—Three, turbine, Gen- eral Electric. AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT Pumps—Worthington Pump & Mach. Corp. Windlass—American Engineering Co. Winches-—Lidgerwood Mfg. Co. Steering Engine—American Engineering Co. Refrigeration—Brunswick-Kroeschell—G. E. Navigating Equipment—-Gyro compass, gyro pilot, searchlight, recorder—Sperry Blowers and Fans—B. F. Sturtevant Co. Chain & Anchors—Baldt Refrigeration—Brunswick-Kroeschell Co. Clock Equipment—Standard Elec.—Chelsea Telegraphs—Chas. Cory Corp. Watertight Door Equip.—Cutler Hammer Marine Hardware—The Dayton Mfg. Co. Feed Water Heater—Davis Engineering Corp. Evaporator—Distiller-Davis Eng. Corp. Soot Blowers—Diamond Power Specialty Pump Drives—(Turbine) B. F. Sturtevant Co. Batteries—Electric Storage Battery Co. Reducing, Regulating Valves—Foster Eng. Co. Windows—Kearfott Engineering Co. Radio Equipment—Radiomarine Corp. Deck Covering—Selby, Battersby & Co. Oil Purifiers——Sharples Specialty Co. Lighting Fixtures—Sterling Bronze Co. Depth Finder—Submarine Signal Co. Life Saving Equip.—wWelin Davit & Boat Corp. Galley Equip. (Electric )—Westinghouse Motors and Controls (Deck )—Westinghouse —_——— | He SSS ‘ TN << br? “ . es | } ‘s == ere pegglaweees nee: es MParetseievesstsseesee 7 MARINE REvIEw—April, 1931 and suitability were 15