ADDS DISTINCTION 4@ Marine Representatives. Baltimore, Md., 105 E. Pleas- DURE SiiG go ike nee _.Plaza 4061 OES Bio ret ema Dsosocith 1418 Detroit, Mich., 1050 Fourteenth VENTILATING CFFICTENTCY Always trimmed and always trim, Allen Turbine Ventilators combine distinctive performance and appearance. Nor is that all—for Armco “‘titecote’’ Galvanized Ingot Iron or Copper combined with Allen advanced engineering and precision construction assure years of trouble free performance. Cost free operation makes Allen’s first cost the only cost—and a moderate one at that—for Allen’s tremendous exhausting power means moderate equipment requirements. It is conspicuous that those ships that provide greatest comfort for passengers—and maximum protection for cargoes—assure thorough ventilation with Allen Turbines. Allen engineers are justly proud of their ac- complishments in the marine field. Let them bring their specialized knowledge to your problems— without cost. THE ALLEN CORPORATION 1049 - 14th Street Detroit, Michigan Fortwenty years Builders of Quality Ventilators. = ALLEN TURBINE VENTILATORS MARINE REview—April, 1931 Marine Representatives. aera “s Wisc., 123 Pittsburgh Bese ns Broadway 8328 Mobile, Ala., 212 Masonic Bldg. Re vee .Dexter 891 New “York, Nioye 165 Broadway FEN ERR ....Cortland 1590 Philadelphia, Penna., 102 N. Fifth: (St:..32:46 Lombard 7290 San Francisco, California, 525 Market St.. Sutter 1100 Seattle, Washington, 206 First VE. eae ..Main 7260 3