S. S. Borinquen, splendid new flagship of the Porto Rico Line, has just sailed on her maiden voyage from New York to San Juan, Porto Rico, and San Domingo, Dominican Republic ..... The Fore River Plant at Quincy, Massachusetts, where the Borinquen was built, has a history of many years of service to shipowners in the construction of vessels of all types ..... Impressive of the extent of this service are the many vessels built by Bethlehem —a large and steadily-growing list to which the Borinquen is a noteworthy addition. BETHLEHEM SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION, LTD. BETHLEHEM, PA. General Sales Offices: 25 Broadway, New York City 20th and Illinois Sts., San Francisco District Offices in Boston, Baltimore, and San Pedro Ol ol MARINE REviEw—April, 1931