60 Stated seenensscay cae ia ee i ee ete £1 s a me iv: pats SP ues 3 gn * pare ‘ spe ~ EP diet Soh + oe kd edt Tae Taek Pit ea oh ae ae ed oe ee toll * Be re reat “se Jig eS & é as ie £% oe 5 +, ° ese = te bah Pikes iets ca ae 7 * ~ e. - . J am otal RIE ORENR ITS Rae tee itee iG ot “A: ¥ 13 * « * ee Excalibur * at OT . LS oN RTS hea sh Ney , This is the 1014” Cross ; Compound compressor — Be . 150 cu. ft. displacement. & « ° ‘ett, a ie _ stage, are available—35, 49 By and 66 cu. ft. All of these ‘compressors are for normal operation on steam pressure of 100 Ibs. against 80 Ibs. a air pressure. » ee oe »* Pote® Pt Aad we Se ye nes od ity aft th. ee, we ie Smaller machines, single “8 ’ 2 : 2 as £ * x Sg eee 4 a Sf See aS a2 HE Export Steamship Company several years ago deter- mined that with a source of compressed air aboard their ships they could remove rust and scale, paint the vessel, make emergency repairs, etec., much better and cheaper than by the old hand method. Consequently all of their sea-going vessels were equipped with Westinghouse steam driven compressors ... So satisfactory was this practice that specifications for the four new boats, Excalibur, Exo- chorda, Exeter, and Excambion, included a similar ma- chine, but of greater capacity—150 cu. ft. displacement. A similar situation prevails with the Sinclair Navigation Company. Westinghouse compressors on many of their older boats have proved to be such a great convenience that they were specified for the new tankers Virginia Sinclair and Harry F. Sinclair. Among other outstanding cases are the recently built coast guard cutters Saranac and sister ships, and fleets of the following steamship companies: Matson, Isthmian, A. H. Bull, Dollar, Lukenbach, Hausteca, Consolidated Naviga- tion, Cities Service, and many other oil transportation and general shipping companies . . . Besides these hundreds of compressors on board ship, many are used on pile drivers, barges, etc., for harbor and dock maintenance work. Westinghouse steam driven compressors are compact self- contained units, occupy no floor space, as they can be readily attached to a column or bulk head. They are reliable and durable machines. ESTINGHOUSE- NATIONAL » » » AIR COMPRESSORS MARINE REview—April, 1931