a Are you _ acquainted with C-H Marine Motor Control? Cutler-Hammer, out of three decades of marine experience, has built a complete line of Motor Control expressly for sea service—control for Steering gears, pumps, ventilating fans, anchor windlasses, cargo winches, etc. One stand- ard line meets all re- quirements, VV ODERN | WATERTIGHT DOOR CONTROL N liners, on freighters, on craft of every description— wherever there is a Cutler-Hammer Bulkhead Door Operating System—the cap- tain gains new mastery of his vessel. He has finger-tip control of every bulkhead door. He is given foo/- proof control of those points below decks where the safety of cargo, crew and ship is concentrated. Pro- tection—in amy crisis! The Cutler-Hammer Bulkhead Door System provides a master con- trol panel in the pilot house which operates a/l doors—a panel which shows whether each door is open, closing or shut. Any door may also be operated independently from control stations directly at the open- ing. The master panel always re- assumes control though it permits and does not interfere with manual or local operation. Built specifically for the séa—de- signed by naval architects and ship- builders—the Cutler-Hammer Bulk- head Door Operating System installs readily into new or remodeled ships. Meets every specification of the In- ternational Conference on Safety of Life at Sea. Ask for descriptive booklet “Modern Watertight Door Control’. CUTLER-HAMMER, Inc., 1322 St. Paul Avenue, Mil- waukee, Wisconsin. ~ MarRInE Review—April, 1931 (Contro that puts the Captain really [y COMMAND The C-H Centralized Control Panel gives pilot- house control of every bulkhead door, and ind1- cates with lights whether each is open or shut. Above at left is shown a water-tight bulkhead door on board the S. S. California of the Pana- ma-Pacific S. S. Co. where C-H Bulkhead Door System is installed. AMMER Door Operating Systems (A-4008 ) 95