GOVERNMENT AID ALONE IS NOT SUFFICIENT The hope we now have in American ship undertakings and the faith we possess in the vision of an American fleet proportionate to the Amer- ican cargoes to be carried over the seven seas and ade- quate for naval auxiliaries in time of war, will only be realized when the American people take a vital interest in things pertaining to shipping and support it by their patronage. - eee Ni . ch EN i / Sit aag men a araan Bo peontet a ae OO many of our people are available. Such patron- transport their goods age would tend to increase and travel on foreign the number of new ships vessels. Every American, no built in the United States matter what his station in and every new ship built life may be, ought to use here adds to the strength American ships when they of our Merchant Marine. Shipping Must Have the Wholehearted Support of the Nation NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING COMPANY Main Office and Works: New York Office: CAMDEN, N. J. , 420 LEXINGTON AVE. 8 MARINE REVIEwW—June, 1931