Precision WORKMANSHIP DRIVE UNIT—Simple, rugged construction and refined design eliminate surplus parts and assure trouble-free operation. Brown and Sharpe worm and worm gear pro- vide a positive, silent drive that retains its efficiency over long periods of time. r. machined and ground to one- half thousandth Ifmit (.0005) are common in Elwell-Parker Electric Trucks. Drive knuckles, torque ball pins,and universal driveshaftends are all held to these limits. Bearing seats on the differential cage, armature shafts and wheel knuckles are ground true within one-fifth thousandth limit (.0002). ‘Motors are tested from20to25 hours in a series of periodic temperature tests aswell as efficiency,load,andidle | running tests, both before and after the assembly of the drive mechanism. Chrome vanadium, chrome molyb- denum, and nickle steels, multiple heat treated, are used for all parts where these special alloys will give greater strength and longer wear. Rigid inspections, numerous tests and special machines assist in main- taining the extremely high standards to which all Elwell-Parkers are built. Inspections totaling hundreds are given to the various parts which make up the average Elwell-Parker truck. High quality materials, skilled workmanship and rigid inspection safeguard your investment in Elwell- Parkers by assuring long life to every truck. Many Elwell-Parkers have seen twenty years of continuous serv- ice and are still in use. Elwell-Parkers help you increase your net profit, not only by making savings in handling jobs, but also through the low oper- ating and maintenance costs of the trucks themselves. Show yourhandling operationsto an Elwell-Parker Field Engineer. With- out obligation he will gladly submit drawings and specifications of the proper truck —engineered to your particular requirements. ELWELL-PARKER DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS OF ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS, TRACTORS AND CRANES FOR OVER A QUARTER CENTURY MARINE REvIEw—ZJune, 1931 safeguards your ° , Investment in an y” , ELWELL-PARKER cocci Increase Profits by Handling on Skids. How would the system work on your docks? How much could you save? Where should you begin? You will find many facts to help you answer these questions in our new book- let, “Handling And Shipping on Skids.” Complete in 16 pages. Contains 75 photo- graphs. Sent on request. Write The Elwell- Parker Electric Company, 4200 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. 57