FM Diesel sisterships are outstanding examples of modern trawler construction Changing production methods in the fish- ing industry have called for larger, faster, more economically operated vessels. How well these needs have been filled by design- ers and builders is evident from an inspec- tion of the vessels that leave the ways on both coasts. The sisterships ‘‘Illinois’’ and ‘‘Maine’’ are noteworthy examples of modern trawler The new Red Diamond Trawler “Illinois” construction. These boats—identical in leaving the ways at the Bath Iron Works. : 2 : The “‘Maine’’, a sistership of the ‘‘Illinois’’, design and equipment—were built by the was launched a short time later for the same Bath Iron Works of Bath, Me., for the Red Metietick Diamond Trawling Co., a subsidiary of the Booth Fisheries Co. Each vessel is powered with a 550 hp. Fairbanks-Morse Diesel engine and is capable of developing 1114 knots at 260 r.p.m. Auxiliary equipment includes two F-M Diesel generating units (30 and 120 h.p.), F-M pumps and F-M ball bearing motors. With a remarkable combination of extremely low operating costs, adequate speed, greatly extended cruising radius and _ increased ratio of cargo space to net ton- nage, these vessels can be de- pended upon to establish a most gratifying record of success. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. 900 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago Branches with service stations in principal ports , Control side of the main propelling engine of the ‘Illinois’ —a 6-cylinder, 550 hp. pump-scavenging F airbanks-Morse Diesel. An identical unit ts installed in the ‘‘Matne. FAIRBANKS-MORSE diesel engines POWER. PUMPING AND WEIGHING EQUIPMENT 5546-0A27.360 MaRINE Review—August, 1931 9