Hull Construction, Characteristics F COMPLETE superstructure type the new liner has five fully plated decks in the hull, a combined forecastle and bridge deck, and promenade and boat deck over about 50 per cent of the ship’s length. In all there are nine decks, of which number seven are either wholly or partially devoted to pas- sengers. The side plating amidships is carried up to the promenade deck to form part of the enclosure for staterooms on the bridge deck. There are three tiers of steel erections above the bridge deck and above these is the wheel and chart house which is of teak construction. The deck inside of the erections on the boat deck is 4 feet higher than on the outside, in or- der to give greater headroom in the public spaces on the promenade deck. The promen- ade and boat decks overhang the sides of the vessel 18 inches and the navigating bridge, which is at the level of the top of the boat deck house (95 feet above the keel) extends 3 feet beyond the maximum beam on each side, in or- der to give an unobstructed view of the entire length of the vessel. General Particulars S. S. President Hoover Contract signed Was Soh en hae se as Oct. 26, 1929 SSAUNGNE MRS ys Oe hee) ae oan are AN at ome Dec. 9, 1930 Completediiny Sawa ern ats Mee eer Sit Cis aa Tes oe. July Tae ebosil deenethrovenallteet: inches sit anos | Co ots a eo ae an Length on 32 foot waterline, feet, inches... 6.65 cc ceesseecscssckisebe 630 0 Length between perpendiculars, feet, inches...........sceeceeeveeece 615 0 Peay molded, feetoincnee.. ls cos oe Fe ok es en en 81 Depth: moldedtto boat deck. ‘side: ft.j.invac fcc eee 79 6 Depth molded to promenade deck, side, ft., in......secccseeeceecenees 0 Depth molded to bridge deck, side, ft., in... .. 0... ese cece cece scsbeass 61 0 Depth molded to shelter deck side, ft; ime <. .iascs codes eusino nesses es 52 0 Depth molded fo upper deck, side, ft) in: ... see eeu cbc vee ces e 41 9 Depth molded to main deck, side, {t:, is... 0:05 sees desc ecce shows 3219 Height between lower & main Becks Ges, ds hares aasorcooaverne caaeneale Rese 8 3 Height between orlop & lower decks, ft., in.....secceceeceuccvceeceuces 8 3 Miagimumdratt to bottom of keel. ft. in... is lyc ss cag os ewe wees ee 0 Displacement at-maximum draft, tons... ss. <0. sas sa cvcevseneneds 33,350 OUssDerIncd atemaximum: drafts... 2 oie so cans oaks hea a he venience es ACUI eerie COeticlent: 46.5. 6 vk co a Shes ok ve pave 979 Block coefficient on w.l. Vee b hi e s aes trent tse anor ero cue atecteruay rele tare wbmtaans 675 BONS POMEL AGC create cad Seven i uk he Geslecg cain chlo ie Sino cme Ca ae es 21,936 CU SCOUM ARE reu aie eens bes ee Os or Ce CH ne 2 a Sola oa an 12,986 uel oil CaRaClev allrAMS STONES sales eae ce Od Oe Gi aD Ie eter Dalinst capacity, all tanke, tons... 2s. vijendeh Gog dw's esas ove cus 5670 Cocoanut oil, Gavacwvenall tanks: TONG ss. cc fay oes Mon be eS 1181 i ce ig a ee 2320 Cargo, Beer CUBIC EEE) ais, osc cn is etn a RED 556,000 Cargo, Pe eened. (eubic eed) ii ics ccs. ono hash see ee os Oe 59,500 Propulsion, turbo GlECENIC, (WIN SCTE W; SilNDa. Ai 0s bse oe mte dS ese oes 26,500 Oe rower masginuin, ... 5.6... os se sense sce eae Genes 33,000 pees, average top ruhs, trial, knote..............ss0.eeeceesnvses 21.558 Pee ee a ial. note 6s. os es oo ces ses ok eh 222 Boilers (watertube Babcock & WALCO) sens satlets esc stata co tern ocean clues ana Huy aae 12 er ee ss ee a a Oe 307 Pa ee TT GI Se SR eS RS DUR ge er eee Mr st yen Cari Se ors: 133 i i ce a ee eh wg Ose ree 170 RS ERS ele ae ae eeepc re Ree iar tr 378 ae oe ae ee 988 We ae aes 324 Classification Bie csgGe ecu) s wiles less: Soane Monae American Bureau of Shipping ba dae uth) AS a a British Board of Trade, 1928 rules ee a Ss. S- PRESIDENT HOOVER The vessel has a straight stem, slightly raked, and an elliptical stern of the protected rudder or semi-cruiser type; with these and the two well placed masts and two stacks the pro- file presents a symmetrical appearance. The stern is bossed out for twin screw shafts. A complete double bottom is fitted which is util- ized for fuel oil and fresh water and is also toa large extent available for water ballast when needed. Subdivision by ten transverse bulkheads pro- vides three cargo holds forward, two boiler rooms, one engine room, and three cargo holds aft. Further subdivision is provided by the Accurately Machined Watertight Door and Controls bulkheads bounding fuel cil tanks forward of the boiler rooms, at the sides thereof, and be- tween the engine and boiler rooms, and by those bounding fresh water tanks abreast the shaft alleys. All cargo spaces are located below the upper deck. Forward there are twelve compartments all of which are used for general cargo, and aft there are five for general cargo, one for mail in bulk, and three for refrigerated cargo. The in- sulated compartments, which are all in No. 4 *’tween decks, are further subdivided into six smaller compartments on each of the orlop and lower decks, and on the main deck into three compartments for refrigerated cargo and sev- eral for ship’s cold storage. There are thus 15 MARINE Review—August, 1931 23