So, PRESIDENT HOOVER 00CKING BRS | commons | fl np re~ |P(_ | a X 1 3ciass 2 V7 3rd ICLASS AccOomMMODATIONS —-— ef BRIDGE A"DECK eae _ | arf CLASS & |STEERAGE === SS = = ES iO SOCIAL -—_--—---._ SHELTER B'DECK 3rd CLAss STORES DINING SALOON SY] MAIN DO’ DECK UPPER "CDEC E OR CARGO SPACE LIGHT & AIR TRU. FAMILY STEERAGE STEERING ie ROOM . (i LOWER E ‘DECK an HT] AFTER PEAK TANK HH S.W. BALLAST 24° FRAME SPACING insulated compartments for refrigerated cargo, each one cf which may be loaded or unloaded without in any way affecting the others. All refrigerated cargo is handled through two trunked hatches extending through to the bridge deck, located, one port and one star- board. At each of the cargo deck levels an ath- wartship passage 10 feet wide connects the two hatches and provides a working space so that cargo may be loaded from either side of the ship into any compartment. General cargo car- ried in Nos. 1, 2, 5; and 6 holds is handled through weather deck hatches by booms at the masts. In addition to the main hatch in No. 2, there is a cargo port on each side between main and upper decks and two wing hatches fitted in way thereof in the main and lower decks for the handling of special cargo of a light nature. At the after end of No. 2 main ’tween decks a sep- arate compartment for the stowage of special cargo is provided; the bulkhead separating this compartment from the main space has two large sliding doors to permit: of handling freight from one to the other. All cargo carried in No. 3 holds is handled through cargo ports of which there are two on each side in the main ’tween decks; two wing hatches extend through the main, lower and or- lop decks. The main ’tween deck spaces in No. 5 and No. 6 are arranged so that either steerage passengers or cargo may be carried in them. No. 2 upper ’tween decks is reserved for the carriage of passengers’ automobiles and a large cargo port is fitted on each side of the vesse] through which they may be driven directly on board, or hauled in by means of a special cap- stan provided for that purpose. In addition to the carriage of miscellaneous bulk, dry and packaged cargo, provision is made for carrying a large amount of cocoanut oil in certain of the iL ot 7 ASS a ans TOURIST STORING ROOM Bsr Ee ASS a — = | pod] ~TOURIST- ACCCAIMODATIONS A US} 1.8, N° 11 CUL.F.w, | [i8.xe fo CULINARY FRESH WATER eas 1.B.N°9Q CULINARY FRESH WATER PEC ES |21-rrame sence] 30’rr. Sect. |33'rRAMESPC.| 36" FRAME SPACING /\\- —— Oooo | yest cass FIRST CLASS. SWIMMING mea Poon, OAEUENTAIN CU = - os ctbeiat = i TOURIST | DINING SALOON! : = ’ H eerarcenareoh : H CARGO __ pmssacel «| ENG/NEERS! ELE MMM 1 eA meres Fens Cm mal REFRIGERATED CARGO REFRIGERATED CARGO raw e ore ome REFRIGERATING M1. ACHY. AT CENTER ee, Mi ON STARBOARD Sipe! meee bepeeeiceth | a a tanks which normally are used for fuel oil. Provision is also made for the carriage of mail and postal matter. For this purpose there is a fully equipped sea-postoffice on the upper deck with entrance from the special class lobby. A special enclosure for registered mail is fitted. Mail in bulk is carried in No. 5 orlop ’tween decks and a special mail trunk connects this Space with the sorting room. Mail is loaded through No. 6 hatch the trunked portion of which adjoins the pcst office with which con- nection is made through sliding doors. Adjoin- ing the post office and No. 6 hatch there is a special steel enclosed compartment for the car- riage of specie, and another similar rcom ‘for the same purpose is provided in the No. 3 main ‘tween decks. Features of Hull Construction Beate steel hull is constructed with transverse framing and scantlings fully comply with the rules of the American bureau of shipping, under whose special survey the vessel was built. Side frames are channels and are joggled to avoid the use of shell liners; except in way of oiltight flats they are continuous from tank top to the top deck in way of all side plating. The frames, generally, are of three sizes, the heavy section terminating at the main deck and the intermediate section at the shelter deck; the different sections are welded together in way of the beam brackets at those decks. Frames amidships are spaced 36 inches and at the ends are reduced by steps to 24 inches in the peaks. Deck beams up to and including the prome- nade deck are channels fitted on every frame; above that deck they are, in general, angle beams. Decks generally are supported by three rows of girders and wide spaced pillars. Be- low the shelter deck the pillars are tubular and have welded plate flanges stiffened by welded 24 MARINE REvIEw—August, 1931