S. 5. PRESIDENT HOOVER Twin Screw Turbine Electric Liner President Hoover — Auxiliaries and Equipment Boilers and Auxiliaries Twelve Babcock & Wilcox watertube Boilers in two firercoms — Total heating surface 57,624 square feet; working pressure, 300 pounds per square inch; superheat, 200 de- grees Fahr., Babcock & Wilcox interdeck superheaters, each 475 square feet heating surface; four Babcock & Wilcox mechan~- ieal atomizing oil burners, Cuyama design, operating under forced draft, for each boil- er; boiler furnaces lined with Babcock & Wilcox No. 80 firebrick and special insula- tion; six boilers have B. & W. internal de- superheaters to deliver steam at 50 de- grees Fahr. superheat to certain auxiliaries and for heating; feed water regulators of B. & W. float type on each boiler; each boiler equipped with Diamond soot blowers. Air Ejectors—Four, Westinghouse. Forced Draft & MHeaters—Four Sturtevant electric (G. E.) driven fans each of a Ca- pacity of 80,000 cubic feet per minute; two marine heaters of 4000 cubic feet per min- ute with capacity to heat 75 per cent of the air volume from zero to 90 degrees when supplied with 40 pounds of steam. Pressure and Vacuum Gages—Six 6-inch dial ; nineteen 4-inch dial, one standard test gage from zero to 500 pounds for main boilers. Consolidated Ashcroft Hancock Co. Ine. Ejector—One, No. 5 model “C’? H-D Han- cock. Feed Water Heater—Davis, coil type. Fuel Oil Heaters—Six No. 6 Reilly. Lubricating Oil Coolers—Two, Griscom-Rus- sell. Filters, Feed Water—Two Griscom-Russell. Evaporators—Three No. 28 Reilly. Distillers—Two type K Griscom-Russell. Conductivity Recorder—For detecting impuri- ties in feed water, distillate or condensate, Leeds & Northrup Co. Thermometers—For temperature, steam, wWwa- ter and brine lines, C. J. Tagliabue Mfg. Co. Engine Room Auxiliaries Turbo-Generators—Four 500 K. W., 240 v. General Electric. Two balancer sets, two unit type 30 K. W. Electric Motors—Four 35/115 H. P., 360/600 r.p.m., main circulating; two 20/30 h. p., 650/900 r. p. m. auxiliary circulating ; three 15 h. p. 1200 r. p. m. main condensate ; three 5 h. p. 1750 r. p. m auxiliary con- densate; two 30/40 h p., 1400/1720 r. p. m. sanitary & fire; one 25 h. p. 1150 r. p. m. ballast pump; one 1% h. p. 1750 r. p. m. ice water circulating; four 2/20 h. p. 410/ 890 r. p. m. forced draft blowers; four 100 h. p. 250/320 r. p. m. refrigerating com- pressors; two 5/10 h. p. 1030/1150 r. p. m. CO» condenser circulating; three 25 hep: 1650/1750 r. p. m. brine circulating; one 714% h. p. 1750 r. p. m. small brine circu- lating; two 20/40 h. p. 420/740 r. p. m. main motor ventilation; two 65/11 h. p. 700/1500 r. p. m. fuel oil service; one 85 h. p., air compressor; two 75 h. p. 400 r. p. m. steering gear; two 10 h. p. 800 r. p. m. shaft turning gear. All General Electric Co. : Circuit Breakers—Four 2500 ampere type L. G.; one 2000 ampere type L. G.; one 1250, one 1000, three 800, five 500, and two 300 ampere all type L. X. Supplied by J-T-E Circuit Breaker Co. Thrust Bearings—Two, size 47 inches, Kings- bury. Electric Storage Batteries—Emergency light- ing, watertight doors, wireless, 120 type M. Vv. A. Exide Ironclad cells; two sets interior communications of 11 type K. X. K.-11 Ex- ide cells. The Electric Storage Battery Co. Heat Indicators—One Pyrometer model 103 for stack temperatures; three 86-inch ther- mocouples in wrought iron tubes for mount- ing in stack and flues; The Brown Instru- ment Co. Pumps and: Services Feed Pumps—Two 5-inch, 3-stage driven by Terry steam turbines of 275 h. p.; capacity each pump, 700 g. p. m. @ 485 Ibs. per sq. in.; Warren Steam Pump Co. Ine., Terry turbines by Kearfott Engineering Co. Steam Pumps—One 14 x 8 x 24 inches auxil- iary feed; one 14 x 8 x 18 inches auxiliary feed; one 12 x 8 x 24 inches fire and gen- eral service; two 12 x 12 x 24 inches lubri- eating oil; two 8 x 5 x 12 inches fuel oil service; two 12 x 14 x 18 inches fuel oil 28 transfer; one 6 x 6 x 12 inches sediment ; two 6 x 6 x 12 inches fresh water; one 10 x 12 x 24 inches engine room bilge; one IA: < 14 x 18 inches boiler room bilge; one 41%, x 5 x 6 inches hot water circulating ; all vertical single acting; one 74% x 6 x 10 inches horizontal duplex evaporator feed. Warren Steam Pump Co. Inc. Centrifugal Pumps—Four 20-inch main con- denser circulating; two 12-inch auxiliary condenser circulating; two 4-inch fire and sanitary; three 2-inch auxiliary condensate ; one 1l-inch ice water circulating ; two 5-inch COs condenser circulating ; three 38-inch re- frigerator brine circulating; one 5-inch bal- last; all the foregoing single stage; three 4-inch 2-stage main condensate; one 14%- inch 2-stage small brine. Warren Steam Pump Co. Inc., and driven by G. E. mo- tors. Other Pumps—One No. 1 hand rotary pump for lubricating oils; one 1-inch motor driven centrifugal pump for circulating water to ornamental fountains. Goulds Pumps, Inc. Ventilation and Refrigeration Ventilating Fans—Thirty-eight for hull. B. F. Sturtevant Co. fans; General Electric mo- tors. Cargo Cooling Fans—EHighteen, nine American Blower Co.; nine Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. All 18 driven by Westinghouse motors. Refrigeration—Four 3-cylinder vertical single acting high speed Brunswick-Kroeschell COz compressors, each direct connected to a variable speed 100 H. P. General Electric motor; four cylindrical shell and coil type COs condensers and four shell and coil type CO. evaporators. Fifteen cargo refrigerated compartments, 70,000 cubic feet. Also ship’s stores refrigerators. Complete water cool- ing system and a one-ton per day ice-mak- ing set. Brunswick-Kroeschell. Refrigerators—Individual—One in beverage room first class pantry; one in officers deck pantry ; and one in tourist pantry. Frigidaire Corp. Heaters — Electric — For. staterooms and bathrooms; 105-1000 watt; 145-650 watt; 82-1200 watt; all of 230 volts, Westing- house. Safety Equipment eto turbines, Taylor Instrument Oo. Fire Protection—Each boiler room protected by Lux system, 40 COs. gas cylinders; also Lux hose reel for small fires. Walter Kidde & Co. Ine. Fire Detection—Cargo spaces protected by Rich system of 29 smoke detecting lines to cabinet in wheelhouse. Staterooms, public rooms and other spaces protected by an elec- tric fire detecting system operated by ther- mostats ; exact location of fire indicated on control panel in wheelhouse. Walter Kidde & Co. Ine. perth Finder—Fathometer, Submarine Signal orp. Whistles—Star Brass Mfg. Co. Navigation—Gyro compass with duplicate mo- tor generators, repeaters, and recorder ; two- unit gyro pilot; two 18-inch incandescent searchlights; one 24-inch incandescent Suez at searchlight. Sperry Gyroscope Co. Compasses, Etc.—One U. S. navy t of wheelhouse; one S. Ses poe wheelhouse ; one navy binnacle for after position ; one pelorus, and one Walker’s tri- dent log. _ John E. Hand & Sons Co. Anchor Chain—Cast steel stud link, 330 fath- oms, 344-inch wire diameter. National Mal- ._ leable & Steel Castings Co. Anchors—Dunn stockless anchors, two bower . see ‘ates stream 16,065 lbs., and e, «int am s General Steel Cast- ignalling—Mechanical engine and i telegraph system, 4 in pilothouse, 1 oe docking bridge; oil burner order transmit- ters; oil burner indicators ; speed indicators from engine room to fireroom; clear view screens in pilothouse; running light panel in panelhouse. Chas. Cory Corp. Telephones—Watertight loud talking. Chas. J Henschel & Co. Inc. General service system. The Holtzer-Cabot Electric Co. : Watertight Doors—Fifteen watertight doors eae “s Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Elka with control systems by Cutler- MARINE REVIEw—August, 1931 ' Capstan—Steam reversible. Life Saving—Ten 382.5-foot 92-person life- boats, four 28-foot 60-person lifeboats, two 26-foot 50-person lifeboats; two 26-foot 35- person work boats and two 28-foot motor lifeboats equipped with 18 h. p. Palmer mo- tors. Welin-Maclachlan gravity davits for each of the ten 92-person lifeboats; the re- maining boats served by Welin quadrant davits ; all boats fitted with Steward releas- ing gears; each lifeboat is retrieved by a worm gear winch electric driven. G. KE. motors. Welin Davit & Boat Corp. Radio Compass—Kolster, Mackay Radio & Telegraph. ; Fresh Water—Three filters for purifying, drinking and culinary water. Loomis-Man- ning. Fire Extinguishers—Soda acid and foam type. Buffalo Fire Appliance Corp. Miscellaneous Equipment Steering Gear—Electrohydraulic, Hele - Shaw pumps driven by 75 h. p. E. motors; controlled in pilothouse by hydraulic tele- motor. American Engineering Co. Windlass—Steam spur geared, capacity, 2 anchors each weighing 18,900 lbs. and 3%4- inch chain cable in 30 fathoms; two warp- ing heads 26 inches diameter. American Engineering Co. ; American Engi- neering Co. Gypsies, Boat Winches—Three 75 h. p., two 15 h. p. gypsies; two 25 h. p. boat winches. Hyde Windlass Co. Cargo Winches—Twenty-four electric drive cargo winches, eighteen 35 h. p. single geared high speed; two 85 h. p. single geared two speed; four 25 h. p. double geared for *tween decks. Lidgerwood Mfg. Co., G. E motors. Windows—Over 100 for promenade deck, 30 inches x 47 inches, 34-inch glass mechanical- ly operated; a few l-inch glass; 1382 deck house windows mechanically operated 20 x 36 inches watertight; 6 windows on veran- da; 61 casement windows in public spaces of the Kearfott-Kawneer bronze and hinged sash type, in deck house opening on prome- nade deck. Kearfott Engineering Co. Inc. Galley—Electric, 9 marine ranges, 2 griddles, 2 broilers, etc., in main galley; 3 additional ranges for steerage, crews and Chinese gal- ley respectively ; 1 broiler, 1 toaster, 2 egg boilers, ete., and 2 bake ovens with steam connections for the grill and larder. Edison General Electric Appliance Co. Ine. Revolution Counter — Cummings Works. Hardware, Fixtures—Part by the Dayton Mfg. Co. Special stateroom door locks by Schlage Lock Co. Oil and Water Separators—Bethlehem S. B. Corp. Forgings, Steel— Bethlehem Steel Co. Lighting Fixtures—Cox, Nostrand & Gunni- son. Valves—Most of the valves including 400 Ibs. steam lines by Crane Co. Walworth Co. sup- plied a number of bronze globe angle and gate valves. Reducing valves by Schutte Koerting Co.; also some oil service valves by John Simmons Co. Air Compressor—100 lbs., Ingersoll-Rand Co. Flooring—Goodyear rubber tile. Deck Covering—Steel decks throughout pas- senger and crew quarters covered with As- bestolith. Asbetolith Mfg. Co. Laundry—American Laundry Machine Co. Pneumatic Tube—Vacuum line 24-inch me- chanical messenger service between radio room and purser’s office. The Lamson Co. Grilles—Ornamental, William Highton & Sons. Elevators—Three, one from D to A deck for passengers, one combination passenger and baggage from E to boat deck serving 6 decks; one engineers’ elevator from E to boat deck. Otis Elevator Co. Tank Gages—Sixteen registering feet and inches and in gallons. Pneumercator Co. Machine ne. Steel Castings—Rudder post a 1- ing Mold & Fopades” oe Rigging Blocks—For cargo falls, 24 14-inch diameter sheave; Young Iron Works; rig- mine blocks by Boston & Lockport Block Paneling—Ceilings and room bulkheads, 83,- 000 feet, _The Pantasote Co. Ine. Plywood for built-in furniture, Roddis Plywood Co. Tiling in Bathrooms—Furnished and installed by J. W. Davis. Jron Pipe—Reading Iron Co. Clock System—Standard Electric Time Co.