Lo ighe Miho 0 ee te BR ccccetines * ca oe oa Eg CeegueaReerre reese VESSELS of the Baltimore Mail Steamship Company can be kept shipshape on their long voyage to European ports because they are equipped with Westinghouse air compressors and complete sets of pneumatic scaling hammers. Obviously the plates of a steel ship must be cleaned and painted at frequent intervals if serious corrosion is to be prevented. The old practice of removing scale with a hand chisel and applying paint with a brush has _ been superseded by the compressed air method— it’s quicker and better. With a source of compressed air aboard ship there is no need to postpone unduly the required care of a sea going vessel. Each of the five ships of the Baltimore Mail Steamship Company has a Westinghouse 8!" cross compound steam driven compressor of 150 cu. ft. displacement that supplies air not only for chipping hammers and paint sprayers but for a variety of pneumatic tools used in maintenance work, for air turbines to clean boiler tubes, and for forcing fresh water to various parts of the vessel. WESTINGHOUSE. Westinghouse-National air compressors are . , geen available in many types and sizes ranging from NATIONAL ner 2!'4 to 700 cu. ft. displacement, either steam driven or motor driven, and suitable for every conceivable requirement in marine service. Air Compressors | “Quality Maehines } > : | for Quality Service” WESTINGHOUSE TRACTION BRAKE CO. Industrial Division - Pittsburgh, Pa. (9099) se a ee caine Be inrcn fist oe published monthly at Cleveland, O. Entered as second class matter at the post office, Subscription price $3.00 a year in U. S.; Canada, $4.00; Great Britain, £1; single copies, 35¢