and Modern Steam i new Dollar Liners . . . S. S. President Hoover and S. S. President Coolidge . . . BABCOCK & WILCOX Marine Products Water Tube Boilers designed and equipped to provide luxurious travel with comfort, safety, and speed in Trans-Pacific service will be propelled by A\ir Preheaters Modern Steam. NR conomizers Operating economy is assured through the Stokers Oil Burners use of steam at 300 pounds pressure and Relincioiies 2009 F. superheat from Babcock & Wilcox Oil Separators Marine Water-tube Boilers equipped with B. & W. Superheaters, De-superheaters, Feed Water Regulators, Oil Burners and with fur- naces lined with B. & W. No. 80 Firebrick. THE BABCOCK &WILCOX 85 LipBeRTY st. COMPANY new vory, N.Y. 39 MARINE Review—Auegust, 1931