48 HE new Dollar Line ships, President Coolidge and President Hoover, are equipped with I-T-E circuit breakers for the protection and con- trol of the many electrical circuits that form the vital arteries of modern ships. The I-T-E circuit breakers on these ships pro- tect all of the power, light, heating, refrigerating and ventilating circuits against overload and short circuits, and also protect the main generators against reverse current. They insure the smooth operation of the ships and freedom from delays due to burned-out cables, motors and generators. Pioneers in the design and manufacture of cir- cuit breakers, I-T-E for over forty-two years has concentrated on the construction of dependable protective equipment, of the highest grade. It is indeed fitting that the designers of these fine ships chose I-T-E circuit breakers, I-T-E CIRCUIT BREAKER COMPANY, igrH ann HAMILTON STS., PHILADELPHIA Birmingham, Crawford Bldg.; Boston, 201 Devonshire; Buffalo. Ellicott & . Bldg.; i ichigan Ave.: Trust Bldg.; Cleveland, Terminal Tower Blds.; ates Burt Biles Spe & £.; Chicago, 333 N. Michigan Ave.; dence Bldg.; Kansas City, Midland Bldg.; Los Angeles, 106 W. 3rd; Min New Orleans, 708 Girod St.; New York, 12 E. 41st St’; Omaha, Electric Bldg.; Philadelphia, 1505 R Louis, Bank of Commerce Bldg.; San Francisco, Call Blde.; Seattle, 802 33rd Ave.: ¢ : Cincinnati, Union , Tramway Bldg., Detroit, Penobscot Bldg.: Duluth, Provi- neapolis, Plymouth Bldg.;Montreal, 151 Lagauchetiere St. West; ace; Pittsburgh, Grant Bldg.; St. ; Tulsa, 1619 South Columbia Place; Toronto, 9 Duke Street; Vancouver, 500 Beatty Street; Winnipeg, National Cartage Office Building. MARINE REVIEw—August, Logs