TC ee Se ey en awe eS 4 : 4 ; : : ; Private Yards Gi Bid for Work on New Destroyers Private shipbuilders are to have an opportunity to bid for some of the 10 new destroyers, the first ves- sels of this type constructed by the United States since the World war, which the navy will start building during the next few months, the de- partment of the navy announced July ci ee The design decided upon for the first post-war destroyers calls for ships of London treaty limits ecap- able of making 35 knots. These de- stroyers will be considerably larger than the World war type. Details of the armament of the new destroyers are being held con- fidential at present. The series built in 1918 and 1919 carry four bat- teries of four-inch guns, 12 torpedo tubes, and a three-inch anti-aircraft battery each. Construction will be started dur- ing the current fiscal year, with the appropriation of $10,000,000 made available at the last session of con- gress for the building of 10 destroy- ers and one destroyer leader. The department has abandoned its inten- tion of constructing the leader at this time, and will build instead 11 destroyers of the same type. It is considered one ship will be assigned to Brooklyn, N. Y., navy yard. The estimated cost of these ships, as outlined by officers of the navy at the last session of congress, is $4,700,000. The World war. series cost approximately $2,000,000 each. Plan Double Launching The United Fruit Co. is planning a double launching ceremony on Aug. 15 at the yards of the Newport News Shipping & Dry Dock Company, when the TALAMANCA and SEGOVIA, the first two in a $30,000,000 ship- building program of six sisterships, slip down the ways. It is planned to launch the last four in the following order: ‘The ANTIGUA, building at the Bethlehem yards at Quincy, Mass., to be launched Oct. 25; the Qurrigua from the same yard Noy. 14; the CurriquaL, building at Newport News, Nov. 30, and the VeRIGUA, building at Quincy, Mass., Dec. 12. The approximate cost of each liner is $5,000,000 and it is said they will be the finest ships of their type. They are 11,000 tons displacement, with a length of 447 feet, a beam of 60 feet and a depth of 34.8 feet. They will maintain a speed of 18 knots and will carry 120 passengers each. In is understood that three of the new liners are intended for onera- tion in the United Fruit Co.’s New York service to the West Indies and Central and South America, while the other three will be assigned to the company’s Pacific Coast-South American-West Indies service. The ships will be driven by turbo- electric power, with two propulsion motors and two main turbo-genera- tors, one of each for the twin shafts. Engine room auxiliaries, galley equip- ment and the refrigerating system will be driven electrically and the steering gear will be hydro-electric. Powerful Diesel Towboat for River Operation The Herspert Hoover, which is said to be the most powerful diesel tow- boat in the world, was launched from the yard of the Dubuque Boat and Boiler Co., Dubuque, Iowa., July 2. This boat was built for the Inland Waterways Corp. and is fitted with twn 1100 brake horsepower McIntosh & Seymour single action, air injection diesel engines. These engines each drive a propeller working in a par- tial tunnel. The vessel was designed by The Dravo Contracting Co The Hersert Hoover is 215 feet molded length, 43 feet 6 inches beam, 10 feet depth, and 6 feet draft. The hull is of steel with bottom plating 5/16-inch in thickness with keel plate 34-inch thick. Maneuvering will be done by direct control of the engines in speed and direction of rotation. In addition to the main engines there are two 75-kilowatt generating sets driven by Atlas Imperial diesel engines. The vessel is to be used between St. Louis and Memphis and will have a towing canacity upstream of 10,000 to 12,000 tons in river barges. Bids cn Engineers Equipment Called for and Received Bids will be opened Aug. 4 at the office of the chief of engineers United States army, Washington, D. C. for a 24-inch self propelled stern wheel pipe line dredge. The vessel will be 224 feet 154 inches long overall, 196 feet between per- pendiculars, 44 feet 4 inches molded beam, 7 feet molded depth at side, 7 feet 6 inches at center. Draft is not to exceed 4 feet 1 inch in service condition with 500 gallons of fuel oil, 800 gallons of potable water, etc. on board. The deck house will be 162 feet long, 31 feet 8 inches wide and will be of steel, weather tight. The propelling engines will be two horizontal, tandem compound poppet valve condensing engines, designed for a pressure of 300 pounds per square inch gage, 100 degrees super- heat and a condenser vacuum of 26 inches. The paddle wheel will be of the split wheel type 18 feet diameter over buckets, 26 feet 6 inches overall length. The United States Engineer’s office, Wilmington, N..C. has re- ceived five bids for the construction of one steel barge approximately 80 feet long, 26 feet wide and 6 feet deep. Bids for this vessel were opened June 23, and were as fol- lows: Price ad- Bidder Days justed Price Treadwell Construc- tion Co., Midland, Pas ha eee 70 $12,770 $9,870 United Dry Docks Inc., New York CHEV tak in ee 60 16,700 . 14,300 Charleston Dry Dock & Machine Co.,, Charleston, S. C... 12 11,500 11,500 Warwick Machine Cio; Newport News; Vai “anki 110 16,480 11,580 Chicago Bridge & Iron Works, Birm- ineham, Ala... s 90 12,554 8,644 Specifications call for a barge suit- able for transporting either fuel oil or coal and having at least four oil- tight compartments formed by one centerline bulkhead and three trans- verse bulkheads. SSS (_((((ww>aS>SM060__—_—_[—_—»S | Bunker Prices — At Philadelphia At New York Coal Fuel oil Diesel engine _ Coal Fuel oil alongside alongside oil alongside trim in bunk sonscies per ton per barrel _ per gallon o eg per — uly 18, 1931.4.75@5.00 .85 3.724% July 18, 1931.4. : . oT. 4.880825 90 3 8444 ey ee 4:85@5.25 90 Maye Oe. 4.85@5.25 1.00 - 4.08 May 18...... 4.85@5.25 He April 18. 4.85@5.25 1.10 4.32 Apr Pi Gies eer pee ee te BPs AS oa os 4.85@5.25 1.10 4.55% Mar. 18...... pa 100 Peb, 18: ..... 4.85@5.25 1.10 4.551% Feb. 18...... et se a es 18,, 4.85@5.25 1.10 4.55% Jan. 18 Meee 2 BEES Giek sarc 4.85@5.25 1.10 4.55% Deel Si. «cue ret eae che Novy, 18.5.-... 4.85@5.25 1.10 4.92 Nove le. ss ses ret} Pee oe Oct; 18: ...:-: 4.85@5.25 1.10 4.92 Oct; Scie. 4.85@5. ae Sept. 18, 1930.4.85@5.2 1.10 4.92 Sept. 18, 1930.4.85@5.25 ; MARINE REview—August, 1931 Diesel engine. oil alongside Other Ports Boston, coal, per ton.. $7.31 Boston, oil, f. a. s., per per gallon batreli occsceeee nce. 0.99 3.70 Hampton gent yig fa 3.80 ton, f.o.b.,piers$4.35 to 4.50 4.4 June 9—Cardiff, coal, 4.60 Der tones. os eeee ens 13s 6d 4. 88 London, coal, per ton... —s —d 4.88 Antwerp, coal, per ton..18s 6d 4.88 Antwerp, Fuel oil, per ton. 67s 6d 4.88 Antwerp, Diesel oil, per 4.88 CONS ioc ck oe ....828 6d 4.88 British ports, Fuel oil...67s 6d 4.88 British ports, Diesel oil.82s 6d 63