Here an Elwell-Parker Truck operates both as ELWELL-PAR KE BD ttre cccitoney thennortone GIVES YOU GREATER Adaptability Keep Posted on New Handling Methods— Elwell-Parker is con- stantly developing new and in- teresting information on handling marine freight by cost-cutting methods. Send your name to The Elwell-Parker Electric Co., 4200 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio, requesting that this informa- tion be sent to you as issued. Motors are designed and built by Elwell- Parker solely for use in Elwell-Parker Electric Trucks. These motors take all the current the battery will supply because they are built to meet the enormous demands of electric trucking MARINE REview—August, 1931 ELECT an Elwell-Parker truck—no matter whether you are making your first electric truck installation, or rounding out a complete handling system—with the thought that you will need to make few, if any, changes in your present layout. From the most complete line, with thirty-nine standard sizes and types of Elwell-Parker trucks to choose from, one or more is certain to fit your requirements. And when a special case does arise, -Elwell-Parker can meet it. Elwell-Parkers are made from standard- ized parts, with unusual adaptability to specific requirements by the addition of special features to meet difficult handling problems. Elwell-Parker Field Engineers throughout the country have access to the most improved methods of handling now in use. They will gladly submit drawings and specifications of the Elwell-Parkers that can be engineered to meet your requirements most satisfactorily. ELWELL-PARKER DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS OF ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS, TRACTORS AND CRANES FOR OVER A QUARTER CENTURY 75