ee aan On S. S. President Cociize--over 100,000 Sq. Ft. Each of ASBESTOLITH Decking | Asbestolith is the ideal flooring for wood, steel, or cement decks. IT PRE- SERVES, PROTECTS AND INSULATES—IS SANITARY AND RE- SILIENT. Over 1000 vessels as reference—also 6000 buildings of all classes. ASBESTOLITH) MANUFACTURING: . Bureau of Shipping we cee ote th Re ee v 1 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. : Telephone Ashland R. C. Burnside, Pres. . Established 34 years. 4-2140—2141 77 “MACANKING” A 7 STEEL HATCH COVERS For weather decks and tween decks Strong as the deck. Opened by 2 men in 2 minutes. No upkeep and renewals. T.S.S. “GENERAL VON STEUBEN” (ex Munchen) “MACANKING” Covers can be arranged:— 1. To roll to sides as cargo platforms. 2. Toroll and pivot to ends leaving decks clear. MACGREGOR & KING, LTD. 5, LLOYD’S AVENUE, LONDON, E.C.3.,ENGLAND Approved by American Ny Nj Ship For Sale? If you have a passenger ship, freighter, tanker, tug or any other floating prop- erty or marine equipment for sale advertise it in Marine Review. The rate is $3.00 for a minimum advertisement of 30 words. Additional words, 10c each. MARINE REview—August, 1931 85