The A, B, C of an American Merchant Marine A Lesson in Prosperity American Mail Line Passenger-Cargo Ship ‘‘President Jefferson” (ex-‘'Wenatchee’’) Built by New York Shipbuilding Company mericans must become shipminded. An adequate mer- chant marine is vitally important not only to American prestige and to American security but to the expansion of American foreign trade. uild American ships in American shipyards. Eighty per- cent of the cost of a ship in this country goes for wages. Nearly every State in the Union contributes something in the way of materials or equipment and almost every industry will furnish either one or the other. arry a substantial part of America’s foreign commerce in American ships. Over eighty-three percent of your freight bill or passage money, when paid to an American shipping line, is spent in the United States. Put these precepts into practice and you will put sound money in circulation in a most wholesome and con- tinuing way—and this is the basis of prosperity. NEW YORK SHIPBUILDING COMPANY Main Office and Works: New York Office: Camden, N. J. 420 Lexington Ave. 90 MARINE REview—August, 1931