P otectian why not get the best? Duplex Strainers in Cast Iron or Bronze Designed for efficient and positive opera- sectional area of the pipe. The strainer is so tion, compact installation and fabricated of best materials by expert workmen, Coen Duplex Strainers are serving various indus- tries throughout the world. Built without valves, a 90 degree handle turn changes the flow from one to the other basket. The double basket affords a combined area of perforations from six to ten times the cross designed that when the well cover is re- moved, level of oil in well is lowered, expos- ing the top of the basket for removal. Built in two parts, the basket is readily cleanable. It is impossible to stop the fluid flow, re- gardless of the position of the handle. Unlike a strainer made up of valves and fittings, the Coen Duplex eliminates unnecessary joints. Coen products include: Mechanical oil burners. Oil heaters, film type, all-steel, cleanable. Fuel oil pumping sets and oil burning accessories. COMPANY INC. COMBUSTION ENGINEERS Manufacturers of Fuel Burning Systems: 610 SOUTH BROADWAY, LOS ANGELES, CALIF. $0 Church Street- NEW YORK. 112 Market Street Post Dispatch Building SAN FRANCISCO. HOUSTON Vol. 61, No. 9, Sept., 1931, issue of MarInE RE i ae ’ , +» 19st, 2 Review, published monthly at Cleveland, O. Entered as second class matter at the post office, Cleveland, Ohio, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price $3.00 a year in U. S.; Canada, $4.00; Great Britain, £1; single copies, 35¢