a oo er : Pra Heal Ways to Cut Naty | UI fiCosts in’ Carqo handing "4 | — aa Conveyors in Handling Reduce lime and ety of cargo handling opera- tions. A study of the different kinds of cargo handled under vari- ous conditions indicates that when conveyors are utilized after a thor- ough analysis of the whole of a car- go handling operation, and the de- sign of the conveyors is undertaken by engineers familiar with the vari- ous kinds of cargo, marked econo- mies are obtained. Mistakes in the use of conveyors may be both in use and design. Conveyors have been utilized for only a part of an operation so that the resultant economies were less than those attainable if the convey- or principle was applied to the extent C ets ot ca are used in a vari- 40 Conducted by H.E.STOCKER By H. E. Stocker possible under the conditions exist- ing. The reason for the failure to give the best economy is usually due to a lack of thorough study of the operation by men combining a broad cargo handling experience and a thorough knowledge of conveyors and their possible uses. Design of con- veyors has been undertaken by men who designed a conveyor so heavy that it could not be used, or one so unwieldy that the time necessary to rig or take down nullified their use- fulness. When the whole operation has been planned and operated by com- petent engineers and stevedores, the value of conveyors has been demon- strated. A cargo handling method is TELTUCUVGTLAUTULTLULTU USAT ANUS EEL Conveyors in use for Loading Oran- at Los Angeles TTILITVCUTEONNUNGUOUUHOREENG LEU HTSTENN YD MARINE REvIEw—September, 1931 ges on shipboard zp any Bie saa Package Cargo Cut Cost an engineering problem, and engi- neering knowledge and training and points of view are necessary to achieve the maximum results. The misapplication of engineering know- ledge has had the effect sometime of causing practical men to be pre- judiced against engineers. Technical and Practical Features The problem is to balance the knowledge and ability of the steve- dore and the engineer. The decision as to whether or not there is any pos- sibility of using conveyors in any particular operation depends on sey- eral factors: First, the volume of cargo to be handled must be considered; then expense of providing conveyors, the time necessary for rigging, the time that a conveyor may be used in handling cargo in a particular loca- tion. In general, cargo moves either in a continuous flow or in a _ periodic flow. Trucks and trailers, skid and lift trucks and other power equip- ment, also hand equipment, are used in periodic operations. Conveyors are for use where a fairly continuous flow is obtainable. In discerning the volume of cargo to be handled by conveyors, uniformity of packages must be considered. However, prac- tical uniformity, not actual, is the important factor. If the packages are not too heavy for the.conveyor and if not too large for the conveyor, then a conveyor may be used in most cases to good advantage.