Hidden hazards ‘aes nothing particularly menacing about an ice- berg—above the surface. The trouble is you can’t see the danger lurking in its submerged bulk. Neither do incorrect lubricants log a record of daily wear—where you can see it. But the record is written day after day, month in and month out. Eventual overhaul usually tells the tale in terms of costly repairs and re- placements. There’s no veering away from depreciation, but you can minimize it greatly with Gargoyle Marine Oils. These famous lubricants prevent needless wear and tear because each grade is made to fit a particular type of service. The Vacuum Oil Company has specialized in scientific lubrication for 65 years. Vacuum representatives, thor- oughly grounded in the knowledge that has come of this long experience, are stationed at more than 300 of the world’s leading ports. When one of these men comes aboard at your next port of call, ask him about this ques- tion of increased engine-room economy. In the meantime, we will be glad to send you either of these helpful books, without obligation: “Steamships with Mating O Te ees Engines,” or ee Lubrication — Motor- oo. : ships.” Address: Vacuum Oil Company, Marine Sales rade tor eac si of service Dept. D-9, 61 Broadway, New York. VACUUM OIL COMPANY Ea SNS OLN OD PLN OR LM gt a= - re A eA ey sss amr fi Be SR ae SE SRC bn segs Og. Ate t ee, me : Si, SP aed *, LIM Payor3* Teibind or. ite ten * mene. are z RVR hate ARO aad aa pe eae Ora Age TS Se UCTS ee ou! 0 oe MDs _ —¢ a 3 j a i * : Seo. 55 TAN ene OA mr ee fis PS ne aes So Ales ot a WIENS IOI ne Sy EME VF iy caPE Ena ROR EE abe OPP esc ae Ae niger SOBs, RC a Ry, oe Ss nl Ne ial at ae ea NTN Can ON acai MO GE entrees ie Pel ~ : . BIT a eats OE biotin a ei Sa y A AT 4 MARINE REVIEw—September, 19381