SIX NEW MERCHANTMEN ALL ELECTRIC The growth of electric propulsion is coming to be measured not by single keels but by fleets. Six new passenger-cargo ships will soon be plying between North and Central American ports —a practical indorsement by the United Mail Steamship Company of electric drive. e And From the turbine-electric drive also an indorsement of General Electric design and manufacture. to the smallest ship’s auxiliary, the equipment embodies the superior utility and dependability by which G-E marine engineering is now recognized on every sea. @ Each ship of this fleet will be AAA feet long with a 60-foot beam and will accommodate 100 first-class passengers besides freight. Two, the Talamanca and Segovia, have already been launched. @ The experience of G-E engineers enables them to offer expert advice in the selection of electric equipment exactly suited to each ship. It may be turbine-gear or turbine-electric or Diesel-electric drive; in each case, the recom- 173-21 principles and proved practices. GENERAL ELECTRIC . MARINE JOIN US IN THE GENERAL ELECTRIC PROGRAM, BROADCAST EVERY SATURDAY EVENING ONA T NATION-WIDE N.B.C. NETWORK e F © | | 59 mendation will be based on sound technical MARINE REvieEw—September, 1931