MARINE REVIEw—September, 1931 PERPETUALLY FLEXIBLE What a satisfaction to get ahold of a Columbian Tow-Ro Line! It's the last word in easy handling re- gardless of how wet it becomes. The reason for such unbelievable flexibility is the scientific Columbian meth- od of waterproofing — a method which has proven superior to every other. Then there is extra service in Columbian Tow-Ro. This additional service is the result of the new patented Tow-Ro construction. The heart of each strand is composed of large fibre yarns, pretwisted slightly for greater strength. These, in turn, are protected by a double thickness of extra tough regular size yarns. For long hauls or harbor towing, spring lines, etc., Tow-Ro gives dependable service, day after day. It leads the field by a wide margin. Buy Columbian Tow-Ro when you need a new line. COLUMBIAN ROPE COMPANY 332-90 Genesee Street Auburn, N. Y. ‘“‘The Cordage City’’ Branches : New York Chicago Boston New Orleans To be sure it’s Tow-Ro, look for the Red, White, Blue, White and Red Surface Markers BIAN TOW-RO PATENTED 61