LINE Passenger Services: New York to Cherbourg, Southampton and Hamburg. New York to Galway, Cobh (Queenstown), Cherbourg and Hamburg. North Pacific Ports to Hamburg. Bremen and Antwerp via Panama Canal. Pleasure Cruises: Around the world, to the West Indies, to Northern Wonderlands. Freig ht Services: New York to Hamburg (8 days). hte Philadelphia, Baltimore and Norfolk to Bremen and Hamburg. North Pacific Ports direct to Hamburg, Bremen and Antwerp. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE 39 Broadway New York CARNEGIE SHIP BUILDING PRODUCTS A complete line of structural steel ce coeeiinrinienesiciatieeneeinibenemeeemenemiiiemeuienntaihmmateerei inmate innate areal sections for shipbuilding purposes, Kelvin & Wilfrid O. White Co. including Carnegie Beams with their 112 State Street. Boston wide, parallel flanges, shipbuilding é : channels and bulb angles, Carnegie Ship Compasses Floor Plate in a raised pattern insur- Navigational Equipment ing long wear and easy cleaning, and rolled steel plates of every description. The name ‘Carnegie’ has been identified with steel manufacture for nearly three-quarters of a century— a good name to look for on Steel. CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY BOLAND & CORNELIUS Subsidiary of United States Steel Corporation VESSEL OWNERS AND BROKERS PITTSBURGH, PA. 62 Marine Insurance Agents Marine Trust Building BUFFALO, N. Y. Contracts a Specialty New York and Montreal John J. Boland Adam E. Cornelius OLDMAN BOILER WORKS, Inc. | |(C \ /,) E.H. READING Boilers, Tanks, Stacks, Struc- —<—_J\ ff PRO PELLER WHEELS tural Work and Castings Machine R : ur Boiler Repairing Promptly Attended to Day or Night 226 rate oo os MARINE WORK A SPECIALTY ELECTRIC WELDING Works: 36-40 Illinois Street - BUFFALO, N. Y. ~ > BUFFALO, N. of ’Phone Washington 5361 GRISCOM-RUSSELL Evaporators—Feed Water Heaters—Extraction Steam Heaters—Generator Air Coolers—L ti 1 Coolers—Steam, Air and Oil Separators — Filters — Strainers—Expansion Joint ad been cgay Described in bulletins which will be sent on request THE GRISCOM-RUSSELL COMPANY 285 CHICAGO: 20 North woe eee NEW YORK “MACANKING” STEEL HATCH COVERS For weather decks and tween decks Strong as the deck. Opened by 2 men in 2 minutes. No upkeep and renewals. T.S.S. “GENERAL VON STEUBEN” (ex Munchen) “MACANKING” Covers can be arranged:— 1. To roll to sides as cargo platforms. 2. Toroll and pivot to ends leaving decks clear. MACGREGOR & KING, LTD. 5, LLOYD’S AVENUE, LONDON, E.C.3., ENGLAND 62 MARINE REvIEw—September, 1931