Warren-Moody Spiral Designed to handle large volumes at low heads with a high efficiency, this new pump is especially adaptable for installation on vessels using condenser scoops. As compared with a centrifugal type, this pump occupies less space; operates at higher speed, giving better turbine economy; weighs less and costs less. Only a pump built under the patents issued to Lewis F. Moody can embody all the features of this pump. Only Warren has the exclusive license to build this pump for marine service. Why not investigate? An 18" #£zWarren- Moody spiral pump. Capacity 8000 g.p.m. against a 25 ft. head, at a speed of 1150 r.p.m. Pump WARREN STEAM PUMP COMPANY, Ine. WARRE Warren Engineering Corp., Agent, 117 Liberty Street, New York City 74 N . ° ° - L. Katzenstein, President ° ° MASSACHUSETTS Western Engineering Company, Agent, 58 Main Street San Francisco, California MARINE REVIEw—September, 1931 4846