Clark “Tructier’’—low model- lakes load into box car, tiers it where it’s to ride—and comes out quickly for another load. : Rear wheel drive and 4-wheel steer enables driver to Agile—it turns the corner of two position load accurately. Convenient, automatic controls. intersecting 64-in. aisles with ample clearance. Two models—one tiers lo 3 fl., the other to 6 ft. VLSILOALICCLIL She NEW “s vues Clark Jructier aNea in design New th performance At last—a tiering truck of 3-ton capacity, direct gas driven—with 4-wheel steer—so agile that it turns in a 94-in. radius—loads box cars, threads narrow aisles, climbs ramps, takes its load into ’tween-deck space and tiers it safely. No other tiering truck offers all these advantages—no other tiering truck cuts costs so deeply in loading and unloading operations and in shipyard and machine shop duty. Ask for bulletin describing these two new tiering machines and two new Clark ‘‘Truclifts’’. The Clark Tructractor Co. Battle Creek, Mich. Attach this ADVERTISEMENT to your inquiry A ship earns money at sea Speed | cargo handling —not at the wharf MARINE Review—October, 1931