BeA)Y re DO A GOOD JOB at the right price .. NOW e Aan we remind you that right near you is an American Ship organization ready to serve you with repair work, improvements and alterations for your ships—done adequately and dependably at right prices. We offer you complete, modern facilities for building and repairing ships, plus a trained and experienced personnel—who are interested in doing each job the best way possible. And, of course, you are aware of these three salient facts: I Labor is eager to go. Work can be done better - Work can be done quickly. and cheaper now. . . . . 2 Material costs are down. We are ready—and we await your instructions. re) CLEVELAND Lorain BuFFALO Souts CxHicaco SUPERIOR & Os: 6.8: "e American Ship. . American Ship Buffalo Dry Dock Chicago Ship Superior Ship- 6.56.6: 6 is) Building Co. Building Co. Company Building Co. building Co. € 4 MARINE REviEw—June, 1932