U.S. Captain Meriwether Lewis M-32-4 Troy-Engberg Marine Generating Sets are furnished in both Direct and Alternating Current in Capacities from 3% to 150 Kw. This Powerful Dredge is TROY-ENGBERG Equipped — “7 7. S. CAPTAIN MERIWETHER LEWIS” is the 34 inch U. S. Engineer pipe line dredge built for the Kansas City district by Marietta Manufacturing Com- pany. A duplicate of this dredge, the Captain Clark, is now nearing completion. Both of these powerful craft are equipped with Troy-Engberg Marine generating sets. The superiority of Troy-Engberg Marine generating sets is constantly receiving endorsement by “installa- tion.” Over forty years of marine experience is respon- sible for the perfection of the many features for economy and operation that satisfy the most critical users. Their low maintained steam rate cuts cost and keeps it down. Generous design and self oiling features guarantee long life. Operation without oil leakage and constant voltage are valuable features. Troy-Engberg Marine generating sets are superior equipment. Valuable data on Marine generating sets is available to you for the asking. Write us for it. TROY ENGINE & MACHINE COMPANY 2250 Railroad Avenue Troy, Pennsylvania TROY-ENGBERG MARINE GENERATING SETS, DC OR AC MaRINE REvieEw—July, 1932 e GENERATORS e STEAM ENGINES —