T. S. S. MANHATTAN the center bearings of the pinions. These gears were produced from a special grade of steel. The three pinions of the respective turbines in each set mesh with one main gear which transmits 15,000 horsepower to the propeller shaft at 125 revolutions per minute. For lubrication purposes 13,000 gallons of Tycol lubricating oil has been placed on board, supplied by the Tidewater Oil Co., New York. The main propeller shaft thrust bearings are of Kingsbury type and were supplied by the Kingsbury Machine Works Inc., Philadelphia. On each propeller shaft is fitted a four-blad- ed solid manganese bronze propeller cast to true pitch without machining. These propellers were furnished by Cramp Brass & Iron Found- ries Co., Eddystone, Pa. The diameter is 19 feet: design pitch is 20 feet and the design proj- ected area is 108.83 square feet. Hach propelling unit is served by an inde- pendent main condenser of single pass type. It is located outboard in way of the low pressure turbine. The cooling surface in each condenser is about 16,500 square feet. Tubes are made of Ambrac metal of not less than 380 per cent nickel. They are %4-inch in outside diameter and are of No. 16 B. w.g. in thickness and are secured in the inlet end by expanding and at the outlet end with ferrules and packing. The shells are made of steel with riveted steel flanges for securing tube sheets and trunks. For service at sea, scoop circulation is provided while for low powers and harbor use there are circulating pumps. A vacuum of 29 inches can be maintained while operating at full power and with 70 degrees Fahr. circulating water. Main Boilers in Two Fire Rooms TEAM is generated by six Babcock & Wilcox express watertube boilers, each of 10,500 square feet boiler heating surface, 2507 square feet of super heating surface and 8207 square feet of air heating surface, making a total, for the six boilers, of 63,000 square feet boiler heat- ing surface, 15,042 square feet, super heating surface and 49,242 square feet, air heating sur- face. The boilers are built for a working pres- sure of 409 pounds per square inch. Super heaters of inter-deck type, amply shielded from the radiant heat of the furnace, are located entirely within the boiler casing. At maximum power the total design steam tem- perature is 682 degrees Fahr. The boilers are similar in design to many that have given com- plete satisfaction in naval vessels. 28 They are arranged in two fire rooms of three boilers each, one forward and one aft of the auxiliary engine room. In case of emergency, each fireroom may be operated independently. Each boiler is equipped with ten double front Babcock & Wilcox mechanical atomizing oi] burners of the Cuyama design operating under forced draft using a closed fireroom. Each steam drum is fitted with two safety valves and each super heater outlet, with one safety valve of Consolidated Ashcroft Hancock type. Boiler stop valves are of Lunkenheimer make and are of extra heavy cast steel. In the front end of each steam drum there is one main and one auxiliary combined feed stop and check valve. Installed in each fireroom is a perma- nent Ranarex CO, indicator and recorder sys- tem supplied by the Permutit Co., New York. Auxiliary Machinery and Equipment NIQUE in marine equipment are two high pressure evaporators designed by New York Shipbuilding Co. and built by the Babcock & Wilcox Co. One is installed in each fireroom for supplying low pressure steam to fuel oil heaters, fuel oil heating coils, heating systems and galley. These evaporators are also con- nected to the main and port feed water heaters and the main and dynamo condensers for mak- ing up the supply of distilled boiler feed water as no reserve feed water is used in boilers. Eight motor driven forced draft fans sup- plied by B. F. Sturtevant Co., Boston, supply the air to the main boilers through trunks ex- tending to vent cowls on the fidley top. There are four fans for each fireroom and each fan has a capacity of 20,300 cubic feet. De Laval Steam Turbine Co. supplied two main and one auxiliary feed pumps of centri- fugal type, turbine driven. The main feed pumps each have a capacity of 630 g.p.m. at 500 pounds pressure; the capacity of the auxili- ary pump is 100 g.p.m. at 500 pounds pressure. The two fuel oil service pumps and one fuel oil transfer pump were supplied by the Quimby Pump Co., Newark, N. J. These pumps are of the vertical screw type with a capacity in each of the service pumps of 34 g.p.m. at 300 pounds pressure and of the transfer pump, 500 g.p.m. at 75 pounds pressure. They are electric mo- tor driven. One motor driven rotary gear pump for starting purposes and for transferring die- sel oil was supplied by the Northern Pump Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Two motor driven bilge and ballast pumps of horizontal centrifugal self- MARINE REview—September, 1932