It’s hard for a Hungry citizen HE boy whose stomach is empty cannot be expected to do good work at school. Babies undernourished through another winter may be handicapped by frail bodies through life. The hun- gry father of a hungry family is hardly the man, to seek employment with persistence, or to do well on the job when he gets it. Before you can save a man’s soul it is often neces- sary to feed his body. You have no right to expect the civic virtues of patience, courage and honesty from starving, freezing men and women. If they preserve a just attitude towards the laws of the city in which they live, it is a miracle. This winter, as never before, it is the duty of all who are well-clad, well-housed, and well-fed to help the less fortunate. The fact that you gave last year, and the year before, does not lessen your responsi- bility. The fact that you cannot afford a large con~ tribution must not deter you. The upturn of busi- ness with a gradual improvement of economic con- ditions does not remove the crisis of this moment. Emergency appropriations by the federal govern- ment amount to $300,000,000, but they meet only half the increased national needs for human relief. The rest is up to you! Tuten N How will your dollars be used? First of all, they will feed the hungry, and relieve the absolute want of the unemployed. They will be used, also, to take care of the sick and aged. They will help to maintain hospitals, orphanages and schools. They will make possible clinics and visiting nurses. The dollars you give are invested in, the forces of civilization right in your community! WELFARE AND RELIEF MOBILIZATION, 1932 The Welfare and relief Mobilization for 1932 is a cooperative national program to reinforce local fund-raising for human welfare and relief needs. No national fund is being raised; each community is making provisions for its own people; each community will have full control of the money it obtains. Give through your established welfare and relief organiza- tions, through your community chest, or through your local emergency relief committee. oe 4477141111 FEZ __ Newton D. Baker, Chairman, National Citizens’ Committee This winter, as never before, support your local Community Campaign 52 MaRINE Revirw—November, 1932