SHOULDN'T SOME OF YOU CONSIDER Qing ‘OUR MATERIALS HANDLING METHODS agian! SAM Wweexwwewnwn°w TRANSPORT LOADS IN UNIT CONTAINERS ON PALLETS YOU Save—EVERYBODY Saves — when Elwell-Parker Trucks trans- port cargo loads T takes the Elwell-Parker Complete System of Materials Handling to create largest savings in transporting cargo loads between box car or motor truck, shed, and dock alongside ship. The System consists or:— New Elwell-Parker Tiering Fork Trucks (electric, NEW SAVINGS IN HANDLING MATERIALS gas, or gas-electric power); inexpensive wooden pallets or cargo-boards; and compact Unit Loads of merchandise, consisting of Boxes, Barrels, Bags or Bales, assembled on pallets—plus Elwell- Parker Complete System of Materials § Parker’s successful experience of more than 28 Handling goes in. The Ship-owner moves _ years applying the right Truck and attachments to bigger loads faster and more safely; tie-up each job. This is the rea/ Elwell-Parker System. time is reduced in proportion. The Shipper is assured first-class handling of goods. The Consignee receives deliveries without delay. EVERYBODY PROFITS when the Elwell- Application Engineers of wide experience install- ing Elwell-Parkers will gladly bring you latest information. Please write. The Elwell-Parker Electric Co., 4213 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Tw ELWELL PARKE 1 hast _INDUSTRIAL POWER TRUCKS Vol. 65, No. 1, January, 1935, issue of Marine Review, published monthly at Cleveland, 0. Entered as second class matter at the post office, Cleveland, O., under act of March 8, 1879. Subscription price $3 a year in U. S.; Canada, $4; Great Britain and other foreign countries, £1. Single copies, 35¢