Twin-screw, Diesel-engined Tanker REGENT ANOTHER BETHLEHEM-BUILT TANKER JOINS GULF FLEET Twin-Screw Diesel Vessel for Great Lakes—Bartge Canal—Coastwise Service T Specifications in- k uilt HE twin-screw diesel tanker REGENT, b He ei ee at Bethlehem’s Sparrows Point Plant, has joined Length between perpendic- : Se ulars Pe a the Gulf Refining Company’s similar Bethlehem- Mode ee built vessels HARMONY and SUPREME in the Depthmolded. . . . fe. Draft— (teat Lakes Barge Canal —Coastwise Service. eh Oa The REGENT makes the fourth consecutive In Fresh water for canal ODEO 9 ft. 6 in. self-propelled vessel built by Bethlehem for the Cargo capacity . . . 15,400 bbl. Gross tonnage 2 12 fining Company’s distributing service. Gulf Re 8 oy 8 Met tomgage 9 708 BETHLEHEM SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION, LTD. General Offices: Bethlehem, Pa. General Sales Offices: New York, San Francisco. District Offices: Boston, Baltimore, San Pedro. Ship Yards: Fore River (Boston), Sparrows Point (Baltimore), Union (San Francisco). Ship Repair Yards: Boston Harbor, —— Atlantic and Simpson Works; Baltimore Harbor, Baltimore Dry Docks and Sparrows Point Works; San Francisco Harbor, 3 Potrero, Hunters Point and Alameda Works; Los Angeles Harbor, San Pedro Works. 6 MARINE REVIEw—January, 1935