HYND’S new, improved Furnace BRIDGE WALL (PATENT APPLIED FOR) Offers these 6 advantages: 1. New, more efficient air distribution. 2. Bars can’t be knocked out by firing tools. 3. Individual bars easily replaced. 4. More effective grate surface. 2. More economical and efficient use of coal. G. Cooler operation — reduces burning and distortion. HE efficiency and serviceability of this 1. of furnace bridge wall has been amply demonstrated, both on the Lakes and at sea. Hence American Ship, as Great Lakes agent, is glad to announce the new, improved Hynd’s Furnace Bridge Wall. It provides a double stream of air: one to the fire and the other to the combustion chamber. This results in more efficient burning of coal; This sectional model lets customers see instantly the features of this new bridge wall. The photo has been retouched to bring out the air channels. Arrows indicate the flow of air. gives new economy in fuel; and reduces smoke. These air streams serve to cool the bars and the back of the bearer plate, which greatly reduces burning and distortion. They also in- crease the effective grate surface of the bridge wall, which makes it easier to take better care of the fire. Another feature of the new Hynd’s Furnace Bridge Wall is new simplicity and durability in construction. Bars cannot be accidentally knocked out of place by firing tools. Yet any bar can be easily replaced without disturbing the other bars. More complete information on the new Hynd’s Furnace Bridge Wall will be sent you on request. Or we shall be glad to make an estimate for any of your furnaces. Sales Agents The AMERICAN SHIP BUILDING CO. Main Office: Foot of West 54th Street, Cleveland 3 CLEVELAND Lorain BUFFALO Sours CuicaGo SUPERIOR & ee 6 ve American Ship American Ship Buffalo Dry Dock Chicago Ship Superior Ship- 66: ee % Building Co. Building Co. Company Building Co. building Co. € 8 MARINE REVIEw—February, 1935