as described above is about 28 to 30 kilograms per square meter. It is not claimed that a perfect so-: : lution has been achieved in the de- sign and construction of this state- room. An attempt, however, has been made to realize practically an idea representing something new to meet modern technical requirements both for safety and appearance for pas- senger accommcdations on _ board ship. It would be necessary to deter- mine in practice any difficulties that may arise in the installation on board ship due to the irregularity of the spaces available for accommodations. It is to be hoped that the proposed type of construction will be received and studied with an open mind by naval architects and the shipbuilding industry. Ideal Requirements Noted Sir Westcott Abell, the well known English naval architect, in an article in Shipping World, Aug. 16 and 22, 19338, said: ‘‘F'or staterooms, require- ments are noise and heat insulation, a certain amount of strength, mov- ability and finish. Obviously, sheet NEw type of steamship cabin developed by Italian engineers and exhibited at the Milan Fair, Floor- metal of any sort by itself cannot ful- fill all these requirements, but it is highly probable that a new type of bulkhead lighter and more efficient than plywood can be made, using two metal panels with an _ insulating medium between. The first cost will probably be higher, the results su- perior, and the present disadvantage of creaking and fire risks will be eliminated. Passengers, moreover, would sleep better, secure from the danger of conflagration and undis- turbed by frame ncises.’’ There can be no doubt that the design and construction of the state- room, described and illustrated in this article and exhib'ted in April last year at the Fifteenth Sample Fair at Milan is a contribution of considerable value in ar.iving at a satisfactory new type of construction for passenger accommoda‘ions on shipboard which will meet the ur- gent demands of greater safety for life and property at sea against the hazards of fire. The sample state- room was completely constructed of materials produced by Italian in- dustry. Improvement at Baltimore Port Traffic Increases The annual report of the Export and Import bureau, Baltimore, on the activities of the port of Baltimore dur- ing 1934, will give a somewhat opti- mistic picture of conditions in ship- ping and waterborne trade. Though many serious obstacles to commerce still exist, conditions on the whole are considerably better than at the end of 1933, and there is promise of sound progress during 1935. Baltimore port business for 1934 was about 25 per cent ahead of 1933, with considerable improvement in the vol- ume and variety of exports, heavier im- port tonnages of both free and duti- able goods, strengthened steamship service, and continued activity in the domestic shipping trades. Such 1934 factors as the new ap- praisers stores building, final approval of the Chesapeake & Delaware canal, some improvements in competitive re- lationships, and more liberal federal policies for foreign trade expansion should benefit traffic in 1925. ing is of dark brown inlaid linoleum, laid on a medium thickness of cel-bas, an insulated material. The furniture is lined outside in green Jaspe lino- leum and inside with pearl white plain linoleum. The wall socle is black plain linoleum. The walls for a height of 2 meters are light green linoleum. The up- per vorder and the stripe on the ceiling are in pearl white linoleum. The ceiling is in green Jaspe linoleum in panels with inverted stripes. The moldings outlin- ing wall and ceiling panels are in peraluman alloy. The bed and chairs are all anti-corrodal aluminum. The plaited stuffs are in two green tones. Doors, panels of thermo switchboard, etc., lined with green Jaspe linoleum. “ MARINE REVIEw—February, 1935 13