World Shipbuilding Increase Over Year Ago, 65.3% DECLINE of about 4% per A cent in world production of merchant vessels during the closing months of 1934, is shown by the returns of Lloyd’s Register of Shipping for the three months end- ing Dec. 31, 1934. In contrast with conditions a year ago, however, there is a gain of 494,445 gross tons, 65.3 per cent. The present total of world con- struction is: 1,251,722 gross tons, and of this amount, 47.7 per cent is being built in Great Britain and Ireland, 1.6 per cent. in the United States, and the remaining 50.7 per cent in the other’ shipbuilding countries, taken as a group. The contrast between the quarter just ended and the previous one is shown in the following table of gross tonnage: Dee 31, Sept. 30, 1934 1934 Great Britain & Ireland .... 596,834 604,296 United States: cicicccscssccssssseess 20,103 22,225 Other COUNTIES .............ccs0000 634,785 684,866 World total 1,251,722 1,311,387 While the total of new construc- tion in Great Britain and Ireland during the quarter just ended, showed a gain of 17,000 gross tons over the previous quarter, the new work started in the other maritime countries showed a decline of 71,000 tons. The contrast between the new work begun and _ (the _ shipping launched during the last’ two quarters is shown in the following table of gross tonnage: New Work: Dec 31, Sept. 30, 1934 1924 Great Britain & Ireland .... 93,428 76,911 Other’ countries, i..iiciscacsse 108,254 179,035 World total 201,682 255,946 Launchings: Great Britain & Ireland .... 205,792 183,422 Other countries = cise cccsscsecscs 177,855 117,166 World total 383,647 300,588 Returns show an increase in con- struction of steam and motor tankers of .1000 eross . tons each, . and upwards. The tonnage of such vessels now under way is nearly three times as great as it was a year ago. Germany and Denmark, especially, increased their volume of tanker production during the quarter just ended. A comparison of tanker produc- tion during the past two quarters is given in the following gross tonnage table: Dec 31, Sept. 30, 1934 1934 Great Britain & Ireland .... 94,000 101,500 Germany “svicssiccsssssesssaszasvoiensene 57,450 88,150 Denmark dc ance 52,900 44,100 Mollandos aegis onan 40,270 40,270 Sweden ...........00 ay 34,700 43,200 United States 18,600 19,842 Other ‘countries: i2:.:..4560s 40,150 37,650 World total 338,070 324,712 Of the total of 338,070 gross tons of tankers now being constructed, 287,670 tons are motor vessels. At this time last year, the total production of tankers of all types was only 117,608 gross tons. Motorship Construction Some decreases in the volume of motorship construction are reported for the last quarter. Japan’s pro- duction of this type of vessel fell off sharply. Gains were made, however, by Great Britain and Ireland, Germany, Denmark. The comparative figures for the past two quarters are as _ follows, in gross tons: Dec 31, Sept. 30, 1934 1934 Great Britain & Ireland .... 294,137 291,517 Denmark! ncic.s aoc 74,950 72,588 Germany. 2 si eiccisaecsen ae 69,211 59,401 DADAM GN ese at ae 66,215 120,350 Sweden 60,000 64,425 41,698 64,100 37,000 37,000 5038 2,625 Of all types of merchant ships being constructed, motor vessels now represent 55.8 per cent, as compared with 58.3 per cent in the quarter ended Sept. 30 last. The present motorized tonnage of 698,000 tons, however, compares with only 418,000 tons under way at this time last year. At present, nearly 150,000 tons more of motor ships are being built than of all other types of vessels combined. For all countries combined, the comparison in gross tons, in types of construction during the past two quarters is as follows: Dec 31, Sept. 30, 1934 1984 Motor vessels io.0..2; cisatesaans 698,768 764,909 Other types. 552,954 546,748 Total 1,251,722 1,311,387 At this time last year, Great Britain and Ireland were _ de- voting only about 33 per cent of their construction program to motorized vessels; but that propor- tion has now increased to 49.3 per cent. For the other countries, taken as a group, motorships represent 61.8 per cent of the total construc- tion, as compared with 67 per cent at the end of last September, and over 70 per cent a year ago. The tonnage of the various types building in these groups. of countries at the end of December MARINE REVIEwW—February, 1935 last is given in the following ton- nage table: Great Britain Other & Ireland Countries Motor Vessels? a icsiresccispsacsoecd 294,137 404,631 Other: typesin.cckiacia een 302,697 250,257 Total 596,834 654,888 Machinery Under Construction During the quarter just ended there was a decline in the total horsepower of all oil engines being built throughout the world for marine use. The aggregate of 729,- 469 indicated horsepower, reported at the end of the September quarter, fell to 697,204. For Japan there Was a decrease from 112,335 to 90,655; for Sweden, from 82,732 to 80,435; for Denmark, from 50,100 to 48,700; for Holland, from 61,537 to 27,593; and for the United States, from 9005 to 6830. For Great Britain and Ireland, there was an advance, from 249,940 to 261,- 266; for Germany, from 51,120 to 62,135, and for Italy, from 53,500 to 80,700. Steam turbines being constructed throughout the world showed an in- increase in aggregate shaft horse- power, from 616,389 at the end of September last, to 646,601 at the end of December. Germany’s total gained sharply, advancing from 48,759 to 94,451; while the ag- gregate for Great Britain and Ireland dropped from 314,880 10 291,400. France’s total of 224,300 remained unchanged, as did the 8000 figure of the United States. For steam reciprocating engines building throughout the world for marine use, there was a decline dur- ing the last quarter, from 122,698 indicated horsepower to 102,033. Great Britain and Ireland’s total of 87,673 decreased to 77,858. Several changes in the relative ranking of the various leading ship- building countries occurred during the quarter just ended. Great Britain and Ireland continue to hold the lead, with over 450,000 gross tons more of shipping under way than any other country. Germany in-. creased its output about 18,000 tons. Italy and the United States re- mained in eight and ninth positions, respectively. The production of the various countries during the last two quarters is given in the following table of tonnage: 1934 1934 : Dec 31, Sept. 30, Great Britain & Ireland .... 596,834 604,296. Germany csichavicisnmeeine 139,611 120,816 BOVAN GCE: fais csvessdcueaverveameeeaney 120,952 120,868 DADAM seccsnckcsetscascsssvsacestesvaasoeaes 104,640 149,750: Denmark Geisha 78,630 74,988 Sweden ssc sieciiavennnawen 60,140 64,565. Holland: sccsnnenie ae 48,333 70,735 Ttaly: aoa eons 87,000 37,970: United? States: j..ccicstescccsensscees 20,103 22,225 Of merchant ships of 20,000 gross tons and above, each, five are being built in Great Britain and Ireland, and one in France. 35