WHEN loads are heavy, time is short and there’s a mountain of work to be done—that’s when you'll appreciate the staying power of Exide-Ironclad Batteries. They keep trucks in steady operation at good speeds. They take steep grades with heavy loads in their stride. And with low cost of maintenance, during a long, trouble-free life, they offer outstanding economy in materials handling. Exide IRONCLAD BATTERIES WITH EXIDE MIPOR sepaARATORS “MIPOR,” Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. EXIDE-IRONCLADS ..- for materials handling economy under toughest conditions The construction of Exide-Ironclad positive plates is one reason for these advantages. Slotted rubber tubes retain the active material, while exposing it freely to the electrolyte. Another reason lies in the new sepa- rators of Exide Mipor —the permanent storage battery plate insulator. It is immune to heat and vibration, and un- affected by the electrolyte. Improve your materials handling ser- vice and cut costs with Exide-Ironclad —a good battery made still better. Write for booklet, ‘Facts,’ for consideration in selecting a battery. THE ELECTRIC STORAGE BATTERY CO., Philadelphia The World's Largest Manufacturers of Storage Batteries for Every Purpose Exide Batteries of Canada, Limited, Toronto MARINE REvViIEw—February, 1935 39