WHATEVER YOUR OWN UNIT LOADS ... Here’s a Real Idea! * UNIT LOADS: BOXES, BARRELS, BAGS, BALES, OR SINGLE PACKAGES OF THOSE inane Ran HIS picture shows in a big way the volume of goods—any kind of goods—that the FElwell-Parker Pallet System will handle safely and speedily at each trip. The System’ consists of New Elwell-Parker Tiering or Non-Tiering Fork Trucks (electric, gas, or gas-celectric power); inexpensive wooden pallets or cargo-boards; and compact Unit Loads* of merchandise, consisting of Boxes, Barrels, Bags or Bales, assembled on pallets. Back of its success is Elwell-Parker’s successful experience of more than 28 years applying the right Truck and attachments to each job. The Elwell-Parker System makes productive use of every minute in receiving, storing and delivering to shipside. Freight is stored as a unit in shed. Loads on pallets are always ready for immediate transfer from shed to ship. The moment the ship is ready to take on cargo, loads are immediately delivered alongside— still on pallets (sometimes called cargo or sling boards). Results: quick pick-up; rapid trans- portation with up-to-the-minute Elwell-Parker Tiermg Fork. Teacks; protection 10 cargo against damage; complete safety to operator; less annoyance and delay to consignee. A trained Elwell-Parker Engineer near you has important information for you. We will gladly send him. The Elwell- Parker Electric Co., 4213 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. New ELWELL: PARKER | ¢ 4 of INDUSTRIAL POWER TRUCKS MARINE REvIEw—March, 1935