August, 1923 MARINE REVIEW 317 CONVERTED OCEAN YACHT UNITED STATES NOW OPERATING _IN PASSENGER SERVICE ACROSS LAKE SUPERIOR. SHE WILL BE IN FLORIDA TRADE DURING THE WINTER Opens Passenger Service Across Lake Superior The Peninsula & Northern Navigation ©o. wi. ‘ofhces in. Plainheld, N. ° J., Houghton, Mich. and Port Arthur, Ont., has been formed for the purpose of inaugurating daily passenger and freight service between Houghton, Mich. and Port Arthur, Ont. during the summer months and operating in the coastwise trafic out of New York during the winter tourist season in Florida. This company purchased the steamer UNITED States, formerly. the lake passenger steamer of that name, built at Mani- towoc, Wis., 1909, sold to Col. E. H. R. Green in 1916, and rebuilt by the Robins’ Drydock Co. in 1917. At that time she was lengthened 57 feet, power plant and hull structure altered to conform with American Bureau of Shipping specifications for coasiwise pas- senger vessels. The Unirep STATES was used by Col- onel Green as an ocean cruising yacht and sold in March, 1923 to Capt. John Hope Clark, the incorporator and presi- dent of the Peninsula & Northern Navi- gation Co. The steamer has been entirely recondi- tioned at the plant of the Tebo Yacht Basin Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., has com- modious and luxurious staterooms, with running hot and cold water in each room, and has several suites de luxe. The main deck has been cleared out for cargo space, fitted with large auto- mobile gangways and the Unitep STATES as now fitted is unusually well equipped for the carrying of passengers and freight either on the Great Lakes or on... the .coast,’° as all. of « the. above work has been done in accordance with American Bureau of Shipping require- ments. She is fitted with surface condenser, two 25 kilowatt General Electric lighting sets, two ice machines and 2000 cubic feet of refrigerating space, electric boat hoists, steam windlass and capstans and the usual auxiliary machinery. The Unirep States left Brooklyn on June 21 and started the daily service between Houghton, Isle Royale, and Port Arthur on July 9, leaving Hough- ton on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri- days at noon, stopping at Isle Royale, and leaving Port Arthur on the return trip Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sat- urdays at 8:30 in the morning. Pittsburgh River Traffic Net tonnage of freight carried on the rivers in the Pittsburgh district in June was 2,814,602, of which coal accounted for 1,960,638 net tons. Sand and gravel are the other leading commodities w:th steel shipments reaching 66,424 net tons. Detailed figures for the three rivers fol- low: Monon- Allegheny gahela Ohio river river river Total short short short short Commodity tons tons tons tons Coal ences 98,964 1,516,594 345,080 1,960,638 Coke aus 0 26,299 0 26,299 Gasoline 1,170 630 310 2,110 Gravel 103,539 112,422 125,898 341,859 Packet cargo 0 0 6,506 6,506 Sandys ers 131,333 148,220 122,131 401,684 rod- sen - at 75 44,791 21,558 66,424 Unclassified. 52 3,383 5,647 9,082 Total . 335,133 1,852,339 627,130 2,814,602 Death of David Rodgers David Rodgers, war time manager of the Skinner & Eddy Corp.’s shipyard at Seattle died June 25 at his home near Seattle. Mr. Rodgers was a native of Belfast,. Ireland, and was 49 years of age. For the past two years, he had been in failing health, due to over ex- ertion during the rush of shipbuilding in the war period. Under his supervision, the Skinner & Eddy yards turned out 85 cargo steel steamers breaking all speed records. He had charge of 20,000 work- ers during this period from whom he received a splendid measure of support and loyalty. Mr. Rodgers had been a resident of Seattle since 1905 when he joined the forces of the Moran shipyards, later the Seattle Construction & Dry Dock Co., which during the war was merged with Skinner & Eddy. Shipping Board Sales Vinita, steel cargo, 85388 deadweight tons, 5551 gross tons, sold to Sudden & Christenson, Inc., San Francisco. . Pornr Loma, steel cargo, 3270 deadweight tons, 2119 gross tons, sold to Hart-Wood Lum- ber Co., San Francisco. p Lake Fuarrery, steel cargo, 4145 deadweight tons, 2609 gross tons, sold to Panama Railroad Co., New York. WauvuKESHA, steel cargo, 3909 deadweight tons, 2535 gross tons, sold to Frank W. Irvine, New - York. By the terms of sale the buyer is obli- gated to convert this ship to diesel propulsion. TRIMOUNTAIN, steel tanker, 9298 deadweight tons, 64138 gross tons, sold to Bernuth Lambcke Co., Inc., New York. Hugenot, steel tanker, 10,387 deadweight tons, 6964 gross tons, sold to Bernuth Lambcke Co., Ine., New York. BALDHILL, steel tanker, 9298 deadweight tons, 6413 gross tons, sold to Associated @il Co. of San Francisco, San Francisco. BaLpBuTtTE, steel tanker, 9298 deadweight tons, 6449 gross tons, sold to Associated Oil Co. of San Francisco, San Francisco. BasrorpD, steel ocean type oil-burner tug, 429 gross tons, sold to Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co., Chicago.