26 MARINE REVIEW. ~ [March 8, BOOKS ON MARINE ENGINEERING, ON THE OPERATION OF ENGINES AND FOR BEGINNERS IN THE ENGINE ROOM. ARITHMETIC OF THE STEAM ENGINE—E-: S. Gould. $1. STEAM BOILERS—Joshua Rose.’ Practical treatise on construction and examination—Seventy-three engravings. $2. AIDS TO ENGINEERS’ EXAMINATIONS, with Questions and Answers.—N. Hawkins. Summary of principles and practice of steam engineering; prepared for applicants of all grades. $2. REED’S ENGINEERS’ HAND BOOK—New edition; illustrated by 345 diagrams and 36 large plates. $5. REED’S GUIDE. $5. REED’S KEY to Reed’s Hand Book—Contains working of all questions given in examination papers. $3. KEY TO ENGINES AND ENGINE RUNNING—Joshua Rose. For use of those desiring to pass examination to take charge of an engine or boiler. $2.50. THE SLIDE VALVE, SIMPLY EXPLAINED—W. J. Tennant. $1. WATER TUBE BOILERS—Fourth revised and enlarged edition of HOW TO RUN ENGINES AND BOILERS—E. P. Watson. : Practical instruction for young engineers and steam users. $1. ROPER’S ENGINEER’S HANDY BOOK for Steam Engineers and . Electricians. Revised and enlarged. $3.50. MARINE ENGINEER AND GUIDE BOOK—Bergen. $5. STEAM AND THE MARINE STEAM ENGINE—Jno. Yeo. $2.50. MARINE STEAM ENGINES—Sennett & Oram. $6. STEAM—Wm. Rupper. Cloth bound, 80 cents; half leather, $1. POCKET BOOK OF MARINE ENGINEERING, RULES AND TABLES—Seaton and Rounthwaite. For marine engineers, naval architects, superintendents and others engaged in construc- tion of marine machinery. $3. A MANUAL OF MARINE ENGINEERING—A. E. Seaton. De- signing, construction and working of marine machinery; standard for reference among marine books. $6. : PRACTICAL ADVICE FOR MARINE ENGINEERS—C. W. Reob- erts. 64 illustrations. $1. MARINE BOILER MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION—C. E. Stromeyer. $5. BREAKDOWNS AT SEA AND HOW TO REPAIR THEM—A. R° Leask. 252 pages. $2. ELEMENTARY LESSONS IN STEAM MACHINERY—Langmaid and Galsford. For students and subordinates in marine engineer- ing. $2. USEFUL HINTS TO SEAGOING ENGINEERS—How to avoid and repair hreakdowns. $1.40. ENGINEER’S MANUAL—By Ainsley. $5. \ MARINE PROPELLERS—By Barnaby. $4.25. ELEMENTARY ENGINEERING—By Brewer. 60 cents. MODERN MARINE ENGINEERING—By Burgh. $10. ‘TREATISE ON SCREW PROPELLERS—By Chase. $3. AMERICAN MARINE ENGINEER—By Edwards. $2.50. MODERN AMERICAN MARINE ENGINES—By Edwards. $5. eae. OF THE MARINE STEAM ENGINE—By Edwards. STEAMSHIPS AND THEIR MACHINERY—By Haldane. $6. MARINE STEAM ENGINES—Main and Brown. $5. PROGRESS OF MARINE ENGINEERING—By Main. $3. MARINE ENGINES AND STEAM VESSELS—By Murray. $1.60. DRAWING FOR MARINE ENGINEERS—By Thorne. $1.50. SCREW PROPULSION—By Taylor. $3.75. TRIPLE EXPANSION ENGINES—By Wingate. $1. KEY TO ENGINEERING, WHAT AN ENGINEER SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ELECTRICITY and ENGINEER’S EPI- TOME—tThree excellent little books for marine engineers. 50 cents each, or the three for $1. LESSONS AND PRACTICAL NOTES ON STEAM, THE STEAM ENGINE, PROPELLERS, ETC.—By King. $2. ELECTRIC LIGHTING FOR MARINE ENGINEERS—S. F. Walker. $2. ENGINE ROOM PRACTICE—John Leveridge. $2.50. BREAKDOWNS—tThos. Reed. $1.50. : . A a eee ON MARINE ENGINEERING—A. E, Tompkins. A READY: REFERENCE FOR ENGINEERS AND STEAM USERS-—J. B. Stanwood. 25 cents. BOOKS ON NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, ON SHIP YARD PRACTICE, SEAMANSHIP, EC. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE: A MANUAL ON LAYING OFF IRON AND STEEL VESSELS—Thos. H. Watson. Valuable for naval architects as well as beginners in ship yards. $9. THEORETICAL NAVAL ARCHITECTURE—E. L. Attwood.- Text book; 114 diagrams. $2.50. KNOW YOUR OWN SHIP—tThos. Walton. $2.50. PRACTICAL MARINE SURVEYING—Harry Phelps. $2.50. SHIPBUILDING: THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL—Rankins and Barnes. $40. This book is now out of print and very scarce. RESISTANCE AND PROPULSION OF SHIPS—By Taylor. $3.75. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE-~J. J. Welch. New edition. Out soon. STABILITY OF SHIPS—Sir E. J. Reed. $8.40. NAVAL SCIENCE —Sir E. J. Reed. Complete set of four volumes; half morocco. $20. STEAM YACHTS AND LAUNCHES—By Kuhnhardt. $3. STEAMSHIP CAPABILITY—By Wingate.’ $1. MODEL ENGINES AND SMALL BOATS—N. M. Hopkins. New methods of engine and boiler making; ship design and construc- tion; fifty illustrations. $1.25. 7e41 BOOK OF SEAMANSHIP—Com. S. B.. Luce, U.S. N. Equipping and handling of vessels under sail or steam. $10. HINTS ON LEGAL DUTIES OF SHIPMASTERS—B. W. Gins- burg. $1.75. SUBMARINE BOATS—By Hoveguard. $2. STEAM VESSELS AND MARINE ENGINES—By Howell. $5. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE—Sir W. H. White. New edition ready about March. NAVAL ARCHITECT’S AND SHIPBUILDER’S POCKET BOOK —Clement Mackrow. Formulae, rules and tables, and marine en- gineers’ and surveyors’ Handy Book of Reference. Fifth edition. 700 pages; pocket-book form. $5. SCOTT’S COAST PILOT FOR THE LAKES. $1.50. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE SAILING DIRECTIONS for the Great Lakes and Connecting Waters, including supplement. $1.20. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE SAILING DIRECTIONS for North Channel of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay. $1.00. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE SAILING DIRECTIONS for the Gulf and St. Lawrence River: $2.80. GEORGIAN BAY AND NORTH CHANNEL PILOT—Department of Marine and Fisheries, Canada. $1.00. THE one PRACTICAL NAVIGATOR—Nathaniel Bowditch. .20. BOWDITCH’S USEFUL TABLES. $1.25. PROJECTION TABLES—Bureau of Navigation. $1.50. da ees TABLES for the Great Lakes—Hydrographic Office. cents. ILLUSTRATIVE CLOUD FORMS for the Guidance of Observers in the Classification of Clouds—C. D. Sigsbee. $1.00. INTERNATIONAL SIGNAL CODE—Bureau of Navigation. $2.50. MECHANISM OF MEN-OF-WAR—R. C. Oldknow. A description of machinery to be found in modern fighting ships. Numerous illustrations. $3. NAVAL ADMINISTRATION—IIllustrated. Hamilton. $1.50. eT ewe TACTICS—Com. Wm. Bainbridge-Hoff, | . . e. . . ee : Admiral Sir R. Vesey SCREW PROPELLERS AND MARINE PROPULSION—I. McKim (Chase. $2.50. FROM KEEL TO TRUCK—H. Paasch. ‘Marine dictionary in English, French and German; illustrated. $5. sili A MANUAL OF ALGEBRA—R, C. Buck. For the use, more espe- cially, of ~oung sailors and officers in the merchant navy; numerous examples and exercises. $1.50 A MANUAL OF TRIGONOMETRY—R. C. Buck. For the use, more especially, of young’ sailors and officers in the merchant navy. $2. SENT TO ANY ADDRESS, CARRIAGE PREPAID, AT PRICES NAMED. THE MARINE REVIEW PUB. Co. PERRY-~PAYNE BLDG., CLEVELAND.