1901:] MARINE REVIEW. | 20. A. SS eens Gompadnie des Ghemins de fer de POuest (French Western Railway Company) Number of Nautical Leagues* run yearly by Mail Steamers fitted with Belleville Boilers, plying between Dieppe and New Haven, since their adoption in the service. Pipe a oo. oe a (se of Voyages Leagues Run| of Voyages Leagues Run| °f Voyages | Leagues Run| f Voyages | Leagues Run [e082 4 a “ z “ Tepe... 191 =| 443¢) 2 40 | eee ce 1808... 202 41.4377 |." |. « oe ae “ : 1896..... 244 | 5,287 q :. he “ ae: 1807 2 149 | 3,222] 138 | 2990) “ |“ “ i 1898-02." 190 | 4117 | 260 | 5633| 12 | 260] “ ‘“ 1899..... 158 | 3,429 | 204 | 4,420 | 212 | 4,593 | 28 | 607 F900" 2... 102. | 220) 1 1.560 |- 101L 218s 63 1,365 Torazs, . | 1,240 | 26,867| 674 | 14,603) 325 7,041 | 91 | 1,972 (1) The distances indicated for the Year 1900 are calculated from January 1 to July 31, only. *1 nautical league —8 nautical miles.