6 MARINE REVIEW. eS More Big Steamers than Seaports and Rivers Combined. When an advance summary of the report of W. W. Bates, commissioner of navigation was given out some time ago, lake interests were surprised to find that the Atlantic coast builders had built more tonnage than the lake builders during the year ending June 30, 1890, although building on the lakes in the two previous years had exceeded that of the Atlantic coast and western rivers combined. ‘The reason for this, however, is the building of a great many small sail crafts on the Atlantic coast, while the steam tonnage built on the lakes is greater, by about 15,000 tons, than the combined work of all other shipyards in the country. Here are the figures : paride or Gross Net sects ei caalah Number. tonnage. tonnage. NOLEN TAKES oo iss Ses icssvscasess 116 86,023.11 67,144.73 Atlantic and Gulf coasts......... 155 54,240.51 35,309.17 PaCinG coast Gate aiiic selec. 57 6,896.15 5,246.78 WWOSLETN TIVETS ci) vis seddidseeses 82 11.885.91 10,813.98 EUAN scien ccsh i isnsnssigssasin sass 410 150,045.68 118,601.66 Another important feature in this regard is the fact that in classification according to size, of the vessels composing the steam tonnage of the United States, the lakes have more steam- boats of 1,000 to 2,500 tons than the combined ownership in all other sections of the country. Number. Tonnage. PIECE Tia BAKES, cists loci csi dektees ee ca css 272 439,786.85 Atlantic and Gulf coasts ..............ccceee 157 237,105.68 RANE COMBE sieiiinonschssuis secures saicabossisasssd 28 43,000.82 EEN FINI S 6 esc ci sideipnns an s- os ccdacissn 22 28,588.24 PM Se casee ence yeesdus¥sscciseenssscct 479 * 748,481.59 These figures, showing that only the finest and largest class of modern steam vessels are being added to the lake fleet, are especially surprising, as they indicate that a continuance of the present increase in tonnage will in a few years place the lakes ahead of the Atlantic coast in ownership. In comparison with the total tonnage owned on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts and on the rivers, the aggregate of lake tonnage makes the following showing : Number _ Tonnage. PTS C8 UNG Se age eee eee re 3,510 1,063,063.90 * Atlantic and Gulf Goasts..........,........0.5 17,332 2,638,595.50 PN oss cinseens geese sacetosstiawsescs 1,402 428,391.55 MV CRROCE FIV EPS aos ish i ie lovecestedstvescsessed ss 1,223 294,446.49 ONE ote eiecscrestcietivioneseag xetsess 23,407 4,424,497-44 Of this representation of the entire merchant marine of the country 2,565,409 tons is sail and 1,859,088 tons is steam. Vessels Built at the Different Lake Ports. The work of the different shipbuilding ports on the lakes during the year ending June 30, 1890 is shown in the following table prepared from the report of the commissioner of naviga- tion : Customs ‘istrict. Number. Tonnage. CiyaNOog (ClCVElAN) ...pceccsesccsncsancnuesss cas 24 39,095.20 PASO (BAY. CIV) cos oe ccesessstascvescesessaensosces 28 22,807.37 LEYSERC) beens ee Wis Ran aaa OPRAH ere EAP OPA eA 18 21,430.69 ULEL D2 CE EO Pe SI See sna Snr oR 19 7,606.01 Buitalo Creek ve encspcocsccescences steeesereceeceeees 24 5,168.21 Duluth.... BR em eg alga cig Sarue ble cg Row FAR Ad cook ido Cenk | 4,975.28 Champlain ............ccessessrsecssssnserre reseesers ne) 1,874.88 COUPES SES | EE SS a aR en 3 1,284.05 PINON has os oececdpem stan dd eet usuiiedcasasiees #1O 1,666.23 MUMOTIOL (MarGUette) . 205). nsneocacsssonssdenans I 920.41 esas Sas adekn gs sscceasdassescaonsss 1 A23.77 6 Michigan (Grand Haven) ..............cccee0ee #18 594.62 NO co tc as iain sah aupdis cack so sep cassans bby 288.39 (PTO ree 2 187.92 aah dg cece eh os ids cansantendans 4 134.24 RO sy ha ac ses cshonantrsaadss Guest saasesciyaeiacs I 99-30 WG cess ncrtents ie ERS rey Seo Aen 2 37.86 Cape VinCehitee.cs.scicrcscecsccanserserccscssenasene I 34.09 oases ip asanpg seu cnn hic uannekan gt 108,525.87 *Principally canal boats or small tugs. Of these new boats 116 were steam, tonnage 86,023.11; 36 ‘sail; tonnage 12,803.47; 12 barges, tonnage 6,739.27 and 27 canal boats, tonnage 2,960.02. . ‘In the building of iron vessels only one other city in the country, Philadelphia, turned out more tonnage than Cleveland, the figures being 29,008.39 tons for Philadelphia, and 28,629.72 tons for Cleveland. Of 23 steel boats floated on the lakes during the year Cleveland built 13, of 28,629.72 ea ees ©. 4, of 4, 975.28 tons; Buffalo 4, of 3,389.97 tons; Bay City 1, of 1,073.96 tons and Detroit 1, of 532.91 tons. Where the Lake Fleet is Owned. The following table, prepared from data contained in the re- port of W. W. Bates, commissioner of navigation, shows how the 3,510 vessels comprising the lake fleet is distributed among twenty customs districts on the lakes. In the arrangement of the table, preference is given to tonnage, and not to the number of boats, as it will be seen that while Cleveland, Buffalo, Detroit and other ports own the best class of tonnage andare in the lead, the number of boats at these places is far short of other districts where crafts are of the inferior class. Chicago has dropped .to sixth place in the list, capitalists in that city having invested very little money in big vessels of late years. SOONERS Customs district in which ' documented: Number. Tonnage. : Cuyahoga (Cleveland) ...0......ss0c0cerecosee 250 193,240.67 i Buffalo (Creek \. 105. cc0cesddbves es. 00oei tact eeet 297 153, 27-62 : DEttOlteiivsvenseotcsdoucieetsscsdies ster evemage 302 137,359-57 : Huron (Port Huron) nisi os ia eascars 443 136,026.35 ‘5 Mil Want vicciss.iciscrcaecnceesvssel keauauaen 371 92,854.55 a CHICAGO cies ciessasps coca ectetengewee eeanee te 334 71,964,381 ' Chai plaiti. 3... .:<<csigeusaeneuiesaeeeeeaae *556 53,091.16 % Supertor (Marquette) ict secs cccceacas 129 45,256.65 Sandusky s2c0 fiiccssccecccnssveds parc bacvaenes 86 37,404.86 B Michigan (Grand Haven)... accuse 304 31,389.70 3 EGPL Cis cress tardutks caessuaes sdebies con avic caer erase 45 30,521.23 Es OSWESBICIIE. | ciaitiecck: Co Wleucus\ncctesan eae 50 21,465.55 OS WEL iis coe cette eee taacaee dels eo vueeasees Il 17,570 3C Miami: (Boledo)i joicicsiitets case apa 63 16,484.33 NRE: EE Na meeererp rer or eye Pep ren ee iene erste 19 8,081.18 NV CLIN OD Genter sage gy: 5,869.72 Cape VatiCen tires cus as ee ee ae ae 54 4,115.21 Genesee oe o(uswadianed Gade St uaas eae. 2,686,52 Pht 22, oes oe es ean eee 3I 2,808.77 Dunkirk oo... Hew ERO RC EES oan ye Ree Siudgates 5 645.15 APOEAISS., 20 oc 0. steko pe 3510 1,063,063.90 *Mostly canal boats. Of these vessels 1,527, having an aggregate tonnage of 652,- 922.95 are steam, and 1,983 are sail having an aggregate tonnage of 410,140.95 The steam tonnage represents 61 per cent. of the fleet, this proportion being far greater than in the entire mer- chant marine of the country where the steam tonnage represents but 42 per cent. of the total. Of the lake fleet, ninety-four ves- sels, (88 steam), are of iron and steel and their tonnage is 129,- 326.75. Buffalo owns 32 of these metal vessels, Cleveland 13, Detroit 9, Erie 7 and Chicago 4, the balance being distributed be- tween the less important ports. The classification of the lake fleet is as follows: Class. ~ Number. Tons. Steam vessels............. see cav ve wis dev ee 1,527 652,922.25 : Sailing vesselsiccecsisssvcscd he 1,272 328,655.96 Canal boats... 657 67,574-90 BargQeseiscicicessclscchcvsvieyuueiess ee 54 13,910.09 ~ POL esstinsasn ee 3,510 1,063,063.90 Steel Barge Company’s Plans. oe _ Two hundred dollars is the figure at which it is said the stock of the American Steel Barge Company is held. The cap- ital is $2,000,000 and it was said that at the recent annua! meet- ing in New York a proposition would be made to increase this to $5,000,000, but nothing has been heard of any action being — taken in that regard. ‘The steamboat: known as No, 12, now on the stocks at Superior, will be named C, W. Wetmore, for the secretary of the company. Contracts have been let for met the building of barges up to No. 117, Pacific coast next week and he hints that the ob 1s to prepare for the building of boats there.