ISRO RETO IR Og Sa MARINE REVIEW. $4 i ¥ Emit igi, YZ ‘TL ar TAM TTT AT MT iy CLA ia i, ft 3 - CNG ml II " = “al THE CHASE MACHINE CO., lil Elm St., CLEVELAND, O., » Machinists ana Engineers, MANUFACTURERS OF Land and Marine Engines and Steam Pumps, Sole Owners and Manufacturers of the CHASE FOG WHISTLE MACHINE. Special Attention given to Marine Repair Work. ENGINEERS’ SUPPLIES. ASBESTOS PIPE and BOILER COVERING. Agents for the J. L. Rubber Valves, and Leonard & Ellis’ Valvoline. Telephone 994, DIRECTORY OF DTLABE DRY DOCES, Giving Dimensions and Location of all Important Docks, for Information of Owners and Masters. Depth of Water DOCK. LOCATION. won tae Width of Gate. £3 pie SPECIAL ADVANTAGES, For NIGHT SERVICE. : eel Blocks. Bay City Dr ip Y’d Co. i i iver,..... 10 2%4-43} 13-1 Nearest Dock to Mackinaw)Call Foreman Edward Trahan, : y City Dry Dock & Ship Y'd o.|Bay City, East Side River, 3 42%2-43/2 a6 and Sault Ste. Marie. cor. McEwan and Water Sts Cleveland Dry Dock Co. .........-.. Cleveland, So. Side River Bed, © 312, | goft.8in.) = rry-r2_ |NEainge, NOC tO Hanbor Ke "pe ee ere : hae § 360 68 10% fgupper hman at Dock will - Clark Dry Dock Co.................. Detroit, Lower Docks.,........... 1 a0 42 11% 10 caged, |"teeeeeeeestesseee sseeeseceeees te vne| Wate he hae call Su ; re 2 2 Detroit Dry Dock Co. ............... Detroit, Upper Docks............ ce <6 { es Cee Watchman. Will call Sup’t. : * Ses A Depth of Cal Ship Owners’ Dry Dock Co.........|Cleveland, Head Old River Bed 340 50 18 orth Oe ee ae Watehman, F Upper, 343 48 10% Three steam derricks connect- Union Dry Dock Co. ee es Buffalo,................- Lower, 343 44 15% edd ‘Wily eal does. Call watehman. Wolverine Dry Dock Co............. Pt. Huron, near Water Works. 200 40 14 Dock Waterlogged Vesssls. |Watchman at Dock, nights and : 386 ie oO Sundays to call foreman. ReMi Oc B.o. cuvettes Suma MeV: eo sccs. 5 as. sas ee 46 { 13% Boom Derricks. Call Watchman. VESSEL AND MACHINERY EXCHANCE. Space under this heading may be used gratis by our advertisers or subscribers to call attention to vesSels or any craft, machinery, new or second hand, that they may have for sale. Those wanting machinery of any kind, or wishing to purchase vessels, are invited to take advan- tage of the same offer. Each item will be limited to three lines. Letters concerning same must mention number attached to item and be addressed MARINE REVIEW, 510 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland. 0. 12—DUPLEX BOILER FEED PUMP—5\4x3x6, for sale. 13—VERTICAL ENGINES— 9x12, for sale. 14—FOR SALE—Tug Engine, 22x24, almost finished, is very strong and well built. 15—WANTED :—Half interest Lumber barge, 400 or 500 tons. 16—WANTED: A2 steam barge, 350 or 400 hundred thousand lumber capacity, with good beam; cash if cheap. 17—WANTED :—Cabin yacht, sound and safe, reasonably cheap. 18—FOR SALE—Steeple compound marine engine,14 and 28x24 with boiler. 19—DOUBLE STEEPLE COMPOUND MARINE ENGINE, cylinders 18 and 34x36, second hand, for sale. 20—STEAM BARGE—Az2 350M, 137 keel, 284 beam, 10% hold, insurance valuation, $25,0co for sale. 21—STEAMER, Ag, 171 keel, 29 feet 2 in. beam, Io feet 9 in. hold, insurance valuation $30,000, for sale. 22 STEAMER FOR SALE-—1,362 net registered tons, A2, and insurance valuation $75,000. LUE ECE see oS ad a a Re ee 23—FOR SALE—Propeller built by Wheeler in 1881, capacity IIo0o tons. 24—WANTED, A2 steamboat, to carry 400,000 to 500,000 feet of lumber. Machinery and boiler must be fitted for towing. 25—FOR SALE or Exchange for Real Estate—Steambarge Mineral Rock, and barges Sweepstakes -and Saml. Bolton, lumber capacity 300, 400 and 500 m., respectively. : 2 6—THREE good harbor tugs for sale. 57—FOR SALE—Partially constructed hull of about 130 tons. Cost $1,400 28—WANTED—Harbor tug 16 x 16 or 18 with lots of steam. 29—FOR SALE—Ten steambarges, nine tugs, twelve schooners, four- teen tow barges, and four scows. 30—NEW BARGE—Ready for machinery, but rigged for tow barge, and steambarge rating A2 with 475. m. capacity, for sale. 31—FOR SALE—Sloop Cabin Yacht, fougth 30 feet, beam 9 feet. TRAV ET Bi RS?) EeciCs es eee. Standard time, given here, is 33 minutes slower than City time. THE NEW YORK, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS R. R. Arrive East. Depart East. Bitlalo Passen Get scccjccscstscconcesteet eae te I0 40 AM 10 45 AM Chicago Passenger ..:....+<<tssiescteobiieegncunees FU. | case hacenny WESTWARD. Arrive. Depart Chicago Passenger ......sessscnetecineconecereaeee’) (7 = Geueemuamm 6 30 AM Fostoria Passenger........seseeesscererees terreno: 5 06 PM 5 Il PM All trains daily except Sunday. ERIE RAILWAY. Arrive. Depart Youngstown Accommodation............+0+ ~*7 15 AM 16 05 AM New York and Pittsburg Express ......... T5 15 AM *8 10 AM Pittsbura Aecommiodattonic 2), 5.,..scs.s *12 45 PM *II 25 AM New York & Pittsburgh Limited............ #9 55 AM *2 55 PM Mantua Accommodations.) csc.c.ic0cecseeces *7 20 PM *4. 20 PM Youngstown Bapress. sc. cicecspsssccsscnecs ons tg Io PM t6 00 PM New York & Pittsburgh Express. *6 50 PM *II 00 PM * Daily. ft Daily except Sunday. This is the only route by which passengers can reach Corry, Elmira,. Binghampton and New York City without change. The short and direct route to Pittsburg, Washington and Baltimore. Only 4% hours to Pittsburg; four trains daily. For tickets, sleeping car space and further information address City Passenger Agent, 141 Superior St., (Weddell House block,) or Central Passenger Station, South Water Street. A. M. TucKeErR, Gen’! Supt., G. B. Cleveland, O. W. C. RINEARSON, Gen. Pass. Agt., New York. Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railway, OVER 100 MILES SHORTER than any other line between BOSTON, MONTREAL, And Principal New England and Canadian Points and PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS, ViA DULUTH, the great Northwest. THE ONLY LINE TO ST. The New Short Line from principal points in Michigan to DUL UTH, PACIFIC COAST and intermediate sections. RATES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. New and elegant Wagn‘r Vestibule Buffet Sleeping Cars on through trains. time lables, tickets and general information call on nearest ticket agent or write to C. P. FLATLEY, Genl. Western Agt., . DEARING, District Pass. Agt. 291 caetaan Street, se af ay 2 MINN. 202 Main Street, JACKSON, ee . LARKE, Commercial ae 327 Superior St., DULUTH. W, F, FITCH, Genl, ‘cogte C. ARD, Geul, Pass. & TKt, Agent, Fouts, C. P. and T. A., Cleveland, O. For MARQUETTE, ers