Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 26 Feb 1891, p. 12

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teams aaeiainsatraa ntact tame ater ceenmeamaimaemmanines - on — "2 MARINE REVIEW. oe ——————— VESSEL AND MACHINERY EXCHANCE. Space under this heading may be used gratis by our advertisers or subscribers to call attention to vessels or any craft, machinery, new or second hand, that they may have for sale. Those wanting machinery of any kind, or wishing to purchase vessels, are invited to take advan- tage of the same offer. Each item will be limited to three lines. Letters concerning same must mention number attached to item and be addressed MARINE REVIEW, 510 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland, 0. 4 RASS ARR OLS Rae ate” Ged a SO nn 9 ee en eee 39--FOR SALE-—Two tugs ; one is 63 feet long, and has 14 x 19 engines, and the other is 4o feet long, and was built two years ago 40—FOR SALE— Steamer George Spencer, with old ore contract for coming season. Good condition; good carrier; good tower. “Asti sing his theater eerie ea eta ea tal ete 41—FOR SALE—Two fire box marine boilers, 6% ft. by 13% ft., allowed go pounds steam, deep furnace, suitable for wood or coal, in good order. 42--WANTED—Dredge in goodcondition. Give size of dipper, and when and by whom built. 43 -FOR SALE—Newly finished 76 foot tug, engine :8x20, fine model. 44—FOR SALE—The Steamer A. L. Hopkins, carries 1,100 tons on 13% draught water ; thorough fit-out for all kinds freight, and complete in every way. 45—FOR SALE—Barge Senator Blood, in good condition. 46-—FOR SALE—Steambarge, 102 ft. keel, 24 ft. beam, 7% ft. hold, steeple compound engine, 12 in., 21 in. by 16 in , 125 pounds steam. 47—FOR SALE—New Barge building, 127 ft keel, 30 ft. beam, 9% hold, diagonally strapped, steeple compound engine, 14 in., 28 in. by 24 in., 125 pounds steam. 48—A few shares of stock in a first class passenger transportation com- pany, for sale at $100 each. 49—FOR SALE—Ferrvysand towin 50—FOR SALE—Tug, 52 ft. over all, 11 ft. beam, engine 10 x 12, boiler allowed 100 pounds, built in 1887. line with contracts worth $7,000. 51—WANTED—A Lighter, 75 to 80 feet long, 20 feet beam, that can carry 75 to Ioo tons of coal on deck. FOR SALE: The Steamer.,A. L. Hopkins. Carries 1,100 tons on 134 draught water. Thorough fit-out for all _kinds freight and complete in every way. For full particulars, address A, W. COLTON, Gen'l Manager, TOLEDO, O. FOR SALE! Barge Senator Blood. Capacity 340 M., coal 500 tons. Fit-out all in first class shape. For further particulars, address KENDALL MARINE REPORTING CO. Port Huron, Mich. "or CAPT. H. MAY, Port Huron, Mich. For Sale: Tugs, Marine Boiler, and Steam Heaters. ‘We have several good tugs ; also, a second hand marine boiler 14 feet long and 7 feet 6 inches diameter; allowed 80 lbs. steam; in good repair. ~ -Also, several second hand:tug boat heaters for sale at reasonable prices. Apply to i DUNHAM TOWING AND WRECKING CO., mar 31 210 S. Water St., CHICACO, ILL. FOR SALE! SIX STEAMBARGES, 400 to 1200 tors capacity. SIX SCHOONERS. 800 to 1400 tons. capacity. TWELVE SCHOONERS, canal size. FOUR LUMBER BARGES. 350 to 400 M feet capacity. TWO RIVER TUGS. TWu HARBOR TUGS. Reasonable prices and terms. Address M.L. MARSH & CO., Sandusky, 0. NEWLY FINISHED, FINE MODEL, FAST TUG FOR SALE. Dimensions, 76 feet long, 153 feet beam, 7 feet deep, with an engine 18 x 20; steam supplied by steel boiler 6 ft.8 by 10 ft. 8. D. BELL ENGINE WORKS, BUFFALO, N.Y. POT Be tade 1 S00" Joc BiRD, 50 tons burden, good carrier and sailor. Terms cash, or long time on good security. Address ALEX. RUELLE, 381 Atwater St. E., DETROIT, MICH. ~ HAVE YOU A LIGHTER FOR SALE? It must be 75 or 80 feet long by 20 feet beam, and carry 75 or 100 tons of coal on deck. If you have, address FUNK, POWERS & CO., °°! Owings Buildings, CON. STARKE,. JOS. WOLTER. AUG. RIEBOLDT. RIEBOLDT. WOLTER & CO.. _ SHIPBUILDERS. "SIM ‘NV9AOSSH9 a FLUA‘1 LNG DRY DOCK WILL LIFT VESSELS OF 400 TONS. MAG N F S lA SECTIONAL PIPE AND BOILER COVERING, Recottimended by ‘he United States Government. Indorsed by the Board of Underwriters. Preferred and used by leadin’ Electric Companies everywhere. This is the best covering in the market and is specially adapted for marine work. I CAN REFER TO OVER FIFTY STEAMERS WHOSE BOILERS I HAVE COVERED WITH rr, WRITE FOR ESTIMATE ON ANY WORK YOU MAY THINK OF HAVING DONE. S. P. CONKLING, 1 Larned St, West, Detroit, Mich. MILWAUKEE BOILER COMPANY, [Successor to R. Davis Marine Boiler Works.] Manufacturers of Marine and Stationary Boilers, Smoke Stacks, Tanks, Ete, MARINE REPAIRING | Open Day | OFFICE AND SHOPS, SPECIALLY ATTENDED TO.| & Night. | OREGON BET. BARCLAY & So. WATER STS. T, L. McGREOR, Supt. MILWAUKEE, WIS. Telephone 742, F, A. FORCIER. _M. L. WEIL. The Champion of all Fire Extinguishers ! Just the Thing that is Wanted on Every Vessel | CLEVELAND, O.. Sept. 19, 1890. Black Cloud Chemical Fire Extinguisher Co.: GENTS: It affords me great pleasure to testify of the great work your extinguisher does. I have four of them on board and for their simplicity of handling, as well as quickness of extinguishing a fire, they have no equal, Yourstruly, Capt. H. H. HICKMOTT, Schooner E. B. Palmer. BLACK CLOUD CHEMICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHER CO, 26-30 E. Main Street. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Office, 31 Atwater Building, TRAVEHLEARS’ REAGISTBER. Standard time, given here, is 33 minutes slower than City time. THE NEW YORK, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS R. R. * Arrive East. Depart East. Buffald Passenger ...cceseeeceseeeeeeesseeeeeresees 10 40 AM 10 45 AM Chicago Passenger .....s.sesseeeeeeeteereeeeeeesees QAO PN a rane WESTWARD. Arrive. Depart. Chicago Passenger ...cscccesecseeseeceeceeeseesers 0 o teenedaenees . 6 30 AM . Fostoria Passenger......sssesseeecoserserescesenes 5. 06 PM 5 11 PM All trains daily except Sunday. ERIE RAILWAY. Arrive Depart. Youngstown Accommodation..........-++++ #7 15 AM 16 05 AM New York and Pittsburg Express ......... 15 I5 AM *8 10 AM Pittsburg Accommodation.. ......+.02::0see0 *12 45 PM *II 25 AM New York & Pittsburgh Limited............ *9 55 AM *2 55 PM Mantua Accommodation ...........eseeeeeteee *7 20 PM *4.20 PM Youngstown Express......cescccsesseseeeeerees fg lo PM _ 16 copm New York & Pittsburgh Express... ....... *6 50 PM *II 00 PM * Daily. t Daily except Sunday. This is the only route by which passengers can reach Corry, Elmira, Binghampton and New York City without change. é The short and direct route to Pittsburg, Washington and Baltimore. Only 4% hours to Pittsburg; four trains daily. For tickets, sleeping car space and further information address City Passenger Agent, 141 Superior St. (Weddell House block,) or Central Passenger Station, South Water Street. A. M. TuCKER, Gen’! Supt., G. E. Fouts, C. P. and T. A., Cleveland, O. Cleveland, O. W. C. RINEARSON, Gen. Pass. Agt., New York. Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railway, OVER 100 MILES SHORTER than any other line between And Principal New England and Gpnacian Points and BOSTON, MONTREAL, the great Northwest. : THE ONLY LINE TO ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS, Via DULUTH, The New Short Line from principal points in Miehinen to DULUTH. PACIFIC COAST and intermediate sections. RATES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. ee .

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