~~~ Appointments of Masters. ie _ Special Correspondence to the MARINE, Review. RON, Mich., Feb. 26.—Following is the only correct list of | Huron, Mich., and Sarnia, Ont., masters: Steamers: ley; one of the “Big Four” building at Bay City, A. A. han berlin, Thos. Currie; Samuel Marshall, Thos. Cowan; g eA, Re Sinclair; Tampa, William Hutchinson; Penoyer pat, ‘D. A. Hutchinson; Kittie Forbes, W. W. Stewart; Canisteo, |; Pawnee, E,. Davis; W. H. Sawyer, R. EB. Gain; A. Folsom, A. eveland, Daniel Sinclair; Mary Groh, Eugene Gooding; Concord, < Hebner; Nellie Torrent, M. Madden; Chas. Eddy, H. Zealand; F. W. Ww leeler, John Ivers; H. D. Coffinberry, C. Geel; W. R. Stafford, John Stevenson; Sea Gull, H. Stevenson; Tom Scott, H. J. Kendall; Baldwin, A. -C. May; White Star, A. Slyfield; Jenks’ new boat, Chas. Black; A. McVittie, _ Wm, Rolo; Mary, S.H. Burnham; Nelson Mills, Capt. Sims. Tugs: Sum- ner, Chris. Smith; Brockway, Robert Thompson; Sampson, Capt. Cannally; Kittie Haight, Wm. Curtis; W.B. Castle, Wm. H. Smith. Schooners: Fa- _vorite, L. Sinclair; L. L. Lamb, Capt. Green; Churchill, Ed. Powers; Fay- _ ette Brown, George McCloud; S. B. Pomeroy, F. Walters; Arenac, H. Davis; FE. E. Tyson, George McElroy; Lone Star, Thos. Fish; C. © rawford, Allen Curtis; City of Straits, Fred. Minors; Sonora, E. M cKay; W. W. Stewart, Ed. Biddlecome; Leader, George McKay; Alaska, H. Jesters; ‘Redfern, George Goins; D. H. Keys, George Nagle; C. Reid, James Hall; Hattie Wells, Wm. Brownlee; Minnie Davis, George Bonnak; F. J. Dunford, D. Buska; Breadwinner, D. Cronin; M. R. Goff, A. F. Van Hommel; Jupiter, Capt. Taylor; Yankee, Ed. Johnson; George R. Hand, W. B. Harrow; Despatch, R. Bartow. ‘ _SARNIA—Steamers: Monarch, Capt. Robinson; United Empire, George McDougall; Hercules, J. Glass; Pandora, Thomas Reed; Sovereign, P. Kir- win: Campana, Capt. McNabb; Katahdin, S. Furgeson; Fanny Campbell, Thos. Crosgrove; Cataract, Capt. Sutherland; May, Capt. Osborn; Daunt- less, H. Buckley; Fellowcraft, Capt. McKinzie; Transit, R. More; Aurora, Capt. Bartow. Tugs: Jessie, D. McAllistar; Azor, Capt. Munroe. Schooner Louise, John Calwell. _ _ The Port Huron and Sarnia Ferry Company began, Tuesday, to operate the new system of gateson both sides of the river. Much credit is due Capt. A. Neil for the improvements he has made since he took the management of the ferry line. He has built new waiting rooms and custom office and fitted them up in elegant style. Boats of this line will all be fitted out in first class shape the coming spring and will be lighted with incandescent electric lights. The Scotia and consort Blake were chartered for the season for pine lumber from Blind River, Georgian bay, to Toledo, free on and off rail, for $1.60-per-thousand. George King resigned the position of purser for the Beatty Jine. Grand Haven Gossip. Special Correspondence to the MARINE REVIEW. GRAND HAVEN, Mich., Feb. 26.—The weather for the past month hay been favorable for shipyard work at this port. At Robertson’s yard the répaits to the steamer Charles West are nearly completed, and the new fish tug for Milwaukee parties will be launched in a few days. The steam barge, Mary H. Boyce, is being double-decked, and the cabins of the steamship Ionia, badly damaged in the collision with the Monteagle last fall, are being thoroughly overhauled. _.Capt.. William Lontit, owner of the propeller Charies Street, has se- cured a charter for his boat and will run her in the ore trade between Escadaba and this port. For reasons not learned, Capt, Kirby, of this city, who has held the contract for this work for the past seven or eight years, takes his boat, the Ford, out of the trade. John Forman and Case Ball, first and second engineers on the Street for past the two seasons, will occupy similar positions on the Ionia during the coming season, Charles Lyman, a well known tug master at this port, has accepted the position of fi st mate on the Goodrich steamer City of Racine. Contractor Crosby, of Muskegon, will commence putting in the cribs, six in number, at this port 1 about May 1.. About 1,800 of revetment will be put in on the north side, | extending up the river from the old revetment. wy rs Some Masters and Engineers. -=Following are the appointments for the Bradley fleet of twenty-three boats: Steamers—Hesper, Capt. Jones, Henry Shoof, engineer; Glad- stone, Capt. J. A. Holmes, Fred Harmon, engineer ; Pasadena, Capt. T. H. 3 Rae, F. B.:Smith, engineer; M B. Grover, Capt. F. A. Fick, S. H. Hunter, engineer: Henry Chisholm, Capt. Mathew Mulholland, J. W. Twohig, eu- gineer; R. P. Ranney, Capt. John Wysoon, James Shannon, engineer; City of Cleveland, Capt. C. Moran, Engineer Talbott; E B. Hale, Capt. Paul Serrett, Geo. B. Wilson, engineer; J. S Fay, Capt. Wm. Anderson, En- gineer ‘Cronley ; Superior, Capt. Henry Peterson, J. C. O’Donnell, engi- néer; Fred Kelley, Capt. L. Stought, Engineer Stalter; S. E. Sheldon, Capt. William Brown, William Angell, engineer, Schooners—Ahira Cobb, MARINE REVIEW. | , 96 Capt. H. Saveland; John Martin, Capt. Paul Howell ; D. P. Rhodes, Capt. George McLeod; Negaunee, Capt. I. H. Andrews; Fayette Brown, Capt. Charles Ahlstrom; A. Bradley, Capt. Chas. Tift; Thomas Quayle, Capt. - William Pitcher; Sandusky, Capt. EP. Spear; M. R. Warner, Capt.-N. Gifford; S. P. Ely, Capt. Jason Thomas; S. H. Kimball, Capt. A. P, Klumph. ‘ ; Mitchell & Co: Steamers—William F. Sauber, Capt. C. B. Galton... » Engineer, Charles J. Love; R I. Fryer, Capt. M. P. Parsons, Engineer, Edward Guy; W. H. Gratwick, Capt. Chris. Peterson, Engineer, Frank Parker; George T. Hope, Capt. B. Nelson, Engineer, Geo. -E. Blauvelt; John Mitchell, Capt. C. H. Chamberlain, Engineer, M. Owens. Ed. Smith, © No. 1, Capt. B. D. Townsend, Engineer, Peter Lawly; Ed. Smith, No. Zz, Capt Alfred Mitchell, Engineer, Nelson Goudette. Schooners—S. E. Marvin, William Brines; R. L. Fryer, Burt Mitchell; C. J. Fillmore, Nat - Kendall; Angus Smith, A. Meswald; Troy, J. Williams. No appointment . has been made on the schooner Maria Martin. ne General Manager Ricketson, of the Inter-Ocean Company, has ap-' pointed the following officers: M. Conley, chief engineer; Maryland, Capt.. James HE. Yax, Engineer S. C. Davis; Manchester, Capt. Timothy Kelley, Engineer James Grant; Manhattan, Capt. H. F. Loftin, Engineer William * Turnbull; Massachussetts, Capt. P. A. Anderson, Engineer Philip Van, ° Rensselaer; Mer imac, Capt. William J. Pringle, Engineer W. R. Patter. : son; Minnesota, Capt. Daniel Jones, Engineer W. H. Pinkham; Metacomet’ Capt. W. L. Shield. ee Work of the Ship Yards. ve sal The work of rebuilding the tug Mocking Bird, damaged by © fire at Cheboygan last fall, is completed at the Bay City dry dock. © The cost of the repairs is about $9,000. About $8,000 has been - spent on the Tasmania, being rebuilt at the same port. The‘ place now occupied by the Tasmania will be taken by the steamer Ohio, which will receive a new cabin and new upper works, ata 2 cost of $14,000. The barge Harvey Bissell will also go into the dry dock to receive steel arches, a steel keelson, new planking in her bottom and a thorough recaulking The cost of the repairs” will be about $3,500, : 98 % Frank E. Kirby, of the Detroit Dry Dock Company, is said to have designed another passenger boat to be built next fall for Detroit river service. She will be 165 feet long and 35 feet beam, and of very light draft. It is expected she will attain a speed of. twenty miles an hour. | Boilers and engines will be below the main deck allowing additional space for freight. Two cabins - above will have five feet of clear deck on either side. The hull is of a peculiar model. It flares out from the water line to the guards, so that the greater the load the more beam the boat will have. This will prevent listing, which would otherwise occur on account of the light draft. Excelsior Marine Benevolent Association. Capt. Daniel McKenzie was initiated as a member of the, Buffalo lodge last Saturday. At Thursday’s meeting of the Port Huron lodge Parks A. Melwold and D. Duncanson were elected to membership. At Friday’s ineeting of the Cleveland lodge Capt. Carlton Graves was elected to membership. It has been decided to hold the banquet and ball, the first social gathering of the lodge, at Haltnorth’s hall on the evening of March 5. Several changes of officers have taken place in the new Mil- waukee branch since the organization. The officers now are: James Leisk, president; F. C. Maxon, Samuel Neff, vice-presi- dents; R. W. Williams, recording secretary; L. R. Vance, finan- cial secretary; John Cochrane, marshal; John R. Gurman, war- den; William Jamieson, chaplain: Thomas Richardson, sentinel. Timothy Lemay was elected to membership at last Saturday’s meeting. AUCTION SALE. Y VIRTUE of an o der of the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne, in chancery, made and entered on the 12th day of January, A.D. 1891, in a cause pending in saia court wherein Charles L. Ortmann is complainant and the Au Sable Transportation Company, J. E. Potts Salt & Lumber Company, John E. Potts and David Tisdale are defendants, I shall on Tuesday, the 3d day of March next, at 10 o’clock in the tore- noon of that day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder at the premises of the Detroit Suiphite Fibre Company on, the River Rouge, Township of Springwells, Wayne County, Michigan,where they now lie,the steambarges H 4 S. Pickanis and Salina, with their machinery, engines,boilers and appurtenances, the schooner Keep-ake and sloop” Shiawassee with ‘their appurtenances. A. G, LINDSAY, Receiver, ebruary 7, 1891, °°