(ae I Le ———————eeeeee ee 8 MARINE REVIEW. MARINE REVIEW. DEVOTED TO THE LAKE MARINE AND KINDRED INTERESTS. JOHN M. MuLROONEY, Nye Sea pa BL aL. BARTON, 8 5 2S 4 Published every Thursday at No. 510 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland, O. SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per yearin advance. Advertising rates on applica- tion. sige \ Proprimrors. The books of the United States treasury department contain the names of 3,510 vessels, measuring 1,063,063.90 tons in the lake trade. In classification of this fleet the lakes have more steamboats of 1,000 to 2,500 tons than the combined ownership of this class of vessels in all other sections of the country. The classification is as follows: Class. Number. Tonnage. SURI VESSELS .ciscicseiiseavessccsseveesacdescueees 1,527 652,922.25 BAIA VESSEL siiiesieicokicksssdiisceseceninissss4s 1,272 328,655.96 RUAN IGA GB acaiudes, sities ciscrscusvasstvesesseve ses 657 67,574.90 MADRS cir s esse in so¥ ics cies ice tiisssissesesvssscsa tacts 54 13,910.09 QUAL S556) hei bcsuie ceaveseasadaaes ici 3,510 1,063,063.90 ’ According to the report of William W. Bates, United States com- missioner of navigation, 46 per cent. of the new tonnage of the country was built on the lakes during 1889. This is a percentage greater than the work of the Atlantic coast and western rivers combined, and almost equal to the whole work on the Atlantic and Pacific coast. In 1890 the tonnage built on the lakes is but very little less than that built on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. Tonnage built on the lakes during the past five years was as follows : No. of boats. Net Tonnage. MPS eccatiabescictes vossuuauhcsscises iasesoe 85 20,400.54 MUSOG orcteeen tes scrces shia cis seivopsaeiee lakes: 152 56,488.32 Oeil neaiu@cctineenscdcs sikh sconces chowanoue 222 101,102.87 BESS recs ck seackbpas sconce casissbossincesr sacs ones 225 107,080.30 ROMO aie th bac ook chau ssssiensevnsasiecsess 218 108,515.00 OOUAL Ss oitvsckslevnic esis ccs ses cevoud go2 393,597.03 Annual tonnage entries and clearances of the great seaports of the world, for 1889: New York, 11,051,236 tons; all seaports in the United States, 26,983,315 tons; Liverpool, 14,175,200 tons; London, 19,245,417 tons. _. $t. Mary’s Falls and Suez canal traffic: Number of boats through St. Mary’s Falls canal in 1890, 234 days of navigation, 10,557; tonnage, net registered, 8,454,425. Number of boats through Suez canal during 18809, full year, 3,425; tonnage, net registered, 6,783,187. _ Tonnage passing through Detroit river during 234 days of naviga- tion in 1889, amounted to 36,203,606 tons. Ten million tons more than the entries and clearances of all the seaports in the United States, and three million tons more than the combined foreign and coastwise shipping of Liverpool and London. ntered at Cleveland Post Office as Second-class Mail Matter. THE improvemement of lake water-ways is of importance to the general prosperity of this country. Upon this standpoint, the Lake Carriers’ Association and Cleveland Vessel Owners’ As- sociation have, within the past three years accomplished a great deal in Washington, but there is still need of more energetic ac- tion and a better understanding with the members of the army engineering corps in charge of lake districts. In this regard the following from Col. William Ludlow, in charge of the Ninth and Eleventh light-house districts, is of interest. In complying with a request from the MARINE REviEw for information regarding light-ships and buoys proposed for the lakes Col. Ludlow says: “T feel desirous in all proper ways to keep in touch with the ves- selinterests and know of no better method of doing so than the fullest understanding on all sides as to the needs of the service and the best means of meeting them. Concert of action and the fullest accord as to measures are essential to the procurement of betterments,and personally it will always be my endeavor to pro- mote full and cordial understanding with the people who are directly concerned with the public matters in my charge.” “SOMETHING has at length been done by congress to remove the reproach of penuriousness in the country’s dealing with the judges of the federal courts, by the passage of the bill increasing the salary of district court judges to $5,000 a year,’ says Brad- streets in an editorial, adding that it has been a long standing re- proach to the government that judges called upon to determine the most difficult questions of admiralty should be obliged to live on such salaries. The admiralty cases which arise from accidents on the lakes alone would warrant this increase, for in dealing with some cases they use a knowledge of navigation that has been acquired by masters only in years ot experience. It is now proposed that judges in the more important districts be given an additional increase. ‘This would include judges who sit at Cleve- land, Detroit and Milwaukee, where most of the admiralty cases are heard. WHILE it is true that Senator McMillan, of Michigan, has in all other matters been favorably disposed toward lake vessel interests, his attitude in the present congress toward the con- struction of a tunnel under the Detroit river at Detroit must not be overlooked. It means that another high bridge scheme will be presented in the next congress. Senator McMillan has so ex- pressed himself in Washington, notwithstanding the talk of his opposition being confined to Luther Beecher’s connection with the tunnel company. Mr. McMillan has succeeded in killing the tunnel bill in this congress and it is more than probable that it will again be necessary to go over the whole question. THE current issue of the Scientific American publishes a lengthy description of the management and work of the govern- ment life-saving service, with excellent illustrations of the dif- ferent appliances used in the service. The need of better treat- ment for the men engaged in this noble calling is asserting itself, and the meagre allowance that they receive in the way of salary should be increased. An Extra Knot an Hour. Foreign exchanges present articles on a new type of marine boiler which was recently tried at Greenwich, in a torpedo boat _ for the Argentine Republic. Counterparts of this boat had been fitted with boilers on the locomotive principle and had developed 17 knots, while with this new water tube boiler 18 knots were developed under similar conditions. The following description of the boiler is contained in Industries : ‘The boiler consists of a cylindrical upper part of about 20 inches in diameter by 6 feet long, and two lower prismatic water pockets also about 6 feet in length. These three chambers are sub-divided longitudinally so as to give free access to their in- terior in every part. The upper cylinder, when at work, is about half full of water, and is connected to the water-pockets by a large number of straight galvanized steel tubes slanting down- wards, at an angle of about thirty degrees, and forming, in sec- tion, a body something like an inverted letter V, of which the fire-grate forms the bases. ‘The flames rise from the furnace and pass to the right and left, in between the slanted tubes and round the top cylinder to the funnel. These tubes, under all circumstances, are completely filled with water, and cannot, therefore, become overheated. The system of circulation is maintained, owing to the tubes subject to the greatest heat having an upward current and those subject to lesser heat hay- ing a downward current.” Little Inducement and Big Risk of Failure. Naval engineers are not wondering that the department at Washington got no response to its request for proposals on a “torpedo chaser” that was to be faster than anything afloat. According to the requirements the vessel was to attain a speed of twenty-three knots, equal on land to 26% miles an hour. The dimensions specified were: Length on deck, 246 feet; length on the load-water line, 259 feet; breadth of beam, 27 feet 6 inches; draught of water forward, 8 feet; aft, 10 feet or a mean of 9 feet, and displacement, about 750 tons. She was to be supplied with two complete sets of direct acting triple expansion engines, with four cylinders in each set. It was calculated that each en- gine should be capable of working up to 3,000 horse power, and thus the two, working together, would develop 6,000 horse pow- er, an amount of power never before given to a vessel of the above dimensions. Apes