« MARINE REVIEW. 9 Around the Lakes. Capt. Martin Ericson, aged 64 years, died at Milwaukee on Thursday last. ~~ A one-half interest in the schooner Jennie Weaver has been sold by J..H. Perdue, of Frankfort, Mich., to Abraham Ander- derson, for $1,000. . _ The government is erecting a fog bell in front of the light- house at the north of Thunder bay island, Lake Huron, which will be run by clock work. H. P. Sherwin, with Upson, Walton & Co., Cleveland, for a number of years, goes to Ashtabula Harbor, as manager of the Harbor Ship Chandlery Co. oe of the large Milwaukee coal dealing establishments re- port lighter stocks on hand than at this time a year ago. This ‘constitutes an encouraging feature to vessel men. Contractor J. B. Donnelly, of Oswego, N. Y., has been awarded the contract by the government for extending the north pier at Erie harbor. . The contract price is $33,525.88. A West Superior newspaper figures that at the opening of navigation the American Steel Barge Company will have eighteen whaleback vessels afloat, with a total net tonnage of 50,900. The sale of the schooner Morning Star by Adelaide R. War- ren, of Chicago, to Walter S. Johnson of Milwaukee, is reported The consideration is $5,500. The schooner’s net tonnage is 195 tons. : ; The north passage is full of ice as far as the eye can reach from end of Point au Pelee island. Hence the first trip of the season by the City of Detroit from Detroit to Cleveland has been postponed. _ Otto Westerholm and Capt. Charles Peterson, of Chicago, have purchased the schooner Kate Hinchman from Capt. John Hanson, consideration $3,000. Capt. Charles Peterson will sail the schooner. The steamer C. A. Forbes, owned by Ceorge Harper and J. W. Heisner, which ran on the Saginaw bay route last season, has been sold to Alson Trudoand Frank Smith, of West Bay City, the consideration being $3,500. _..Two tramps stole the steamer Stauber lying at the Grand Trunk Dock, Port Huron. The men enjoyed an excursion up the lake and in the river. One handled the engine and the other — took possession of the pilot house. The engineers of the Inter-Ocean Transportation Company’s steamers Maryland and Merrimac commenced fitting out the -machinery of their respective boats. Engineers of the remaining steamers of the fleet will report for duty on the 15th inst. The steamer Johu E. Hall has been sold by Samuel Hall, of Manitowoc, to W. H. Bourke & Co., of Detroit, for $24.500. The Hall was built at Manitowoc in 1889, measures 279 net tons, has an Ax rating, and was valued at $30,000 last season in Inland Lloyds. ' About 800 feet of the big Lake Shore dock at Ashtabula is now ready for planking. Ore shipments from the harbor to fur- naces were again very light last week but the P. Y. & A. road is said to have an order for 85,000 tons upon which work will be- gin shortly. The Maytham Tug Line is the name of a Buffalo corpora- tion which now controls the towing and wrecking business of Thomas Maytham and others. The capital is $33,500 and the directors are Thomas Maytham, Edward C. Maytham, Lambert W. Drake, George W. Maytham and Edward H. Maytham. . The Bucyrus Steam Shovel and Dredge Company contem- plates leaving the inland Ohio town from which its name is de- rived, on account of inadequate facilities. The works of this company now employ about 300 hands and Lorain citizens are endeavoring to secure the enterprise. A bonus of land and build- ings is demanded. The Port Huron Wrecking and Transportation Company will attempt to release the schooner Henry W. Sage from the beach near Cheboygan. The Sage, laden with iron ore and bound from Lake Superior to Cleveland, broke adrift from her steambarge on Lake Huron, and the captain, Truman Moore, put back for the Straits, but in doing so the boat went ashore about midway be- tween Cheboygan and Rogers City. Although the wrecking company is said to be making preparations for releasing her just as soon as the weather will permit, lake masters who have been close to the stranded boat say she is broken in two. The acci dent occurred late in the fall of 1889. Cleveland Matters. Mr. M. A. Bradley has returned from a trip to Florida. A. W. Comstock, of Alpena, owner of the Niko and CHur- chill, was in Cleveland, Monday, on his way home from. Ger- many. ed An advertisement elsewhere announces that the propeller H.S.Pickands and Salinaand schooners Keepsake and Shiawassee will be sold, public sale, at Springwells, near Detroit, on Tties- day next at 10 a.m. Eee Capt. David Barnum, known as ‘‘the Ancient Mariner,’’ died at his home in Cleveland, Saturday, in the eighty-fifth year of his age. He spent more than fifty years of a long and event- ful lite on the lakes. ; The Black Cloud Chemical Fire Extinguisher Company an- nounces that they have made arrangements with the well known marine fire insurance firm of Palmer & Co.,to act as marine agents for their fire extinguishers. ae Cleveland friends of Francis R. Stevenson, of Erie, were -ad- vised of his death, Tuesday. Mr. Stevenson was an old lake en- gineer and was highly respected. Of late years he has been in charge of the machinery of one of the Erie elevators. solid The regular weekly circular from the office of the commis- sioner of navigation, giving names of vessels to which official numbers have been signed, this week contains the name of the steamer Norwalk of 1007.43 gross and 881,95 net tons. Her offi- cial number is 130,528 and the home port Detroit This is pro- . bably some rebuilt vessel. Excelsior Marine Benevolent Association. __ tem” A library fitting the elegant quarters of the Cleveland lodge lodge is now assured. At the regular meeting on Saturday, Mr. James H. Hoyt, of the law firm of Sherman, Hoyt & Dustin, who addressed the captains, offered to undertake the work of securing a library. Captains John Lowe, Richard Neville and James Stone consulted Mr. Hoyt later and a list of books and periodi-. cals was prepared. Mr. Hoyt, who is interested in vessel prop- erty, says he anticipates no trouble in securing about $600 for the library. The lodge desires to thank Senator Payne, of Ohio, for a copy of the United States and Geodetic Survey. A chart table to suit the full set of lake charts recently received by the lodge is the latest addition to the rooms. Capt. William S. Mack, presided at Saturday’s meeting ‘of the Cleveland lodge, which was addressed by Mr. James S. Hoyt and Capt. Albert Manning, of Brooks, Manning & Co. Mr. Hoyt talked of the legal and moral responsibility of vessel masters;and the peculiar characteristics fitting men in the profession; és- pecially in the lake trade He made his address most interesting by portraying, as they had occurred to him through associations of a legal nature and otherwise, the qualifications necessary to the successful lake captain; the moderate exercise of unlimited power and the moral care for the rights of owners, the elevation of the profession and the example set to men under them who eventually make captains. Capt. Manning spoke on matters of direct importance to the captains. He discouraged haste in making protests after accidents and was very emphatic in advis- ing that a thorough understanding be had with wreckers when a boat is ashore or otherwise disabled so as to need assistance. ‘Better let your vessel go to pieces,”’ he said, ‘‘than take assist- ance from a wrecking tug without knowing what the charges will be. The tug captain who comes alongside your disabled boat and says ‘never mind the charges, as the owner will make that all right,’ seeks to take advantage of your misfortune. Eyery dollar paid out by the underwriter today comes out of the pockets of the vessel owner tomorrow. ‘The insurance company gathers in the premiums and pays out the losses, but the loss ratio fixes the premium rate.” Capt. Manning would advise the captains to give some attention to the science of navigation as an aid . to practical navigation and hoped that their association would bring this about.