‘MARINE VoL. 111. > Naval Vessels. The accompanying illustrations, reproduced from the report of Chief Constructor T. D. Wilson, of the United States navy, by the Railroad and Engineering Journal, of New York, show two important ships now under construction. The armored cruiser New York will be 380 feet 6% inches in length on water line, 64 feet beam and will have a displacement of 8,150 tons, and a mean draft of 23 feet 3% inches. The hull is to be protec- ted by a vertical armor-belt over ‘the machinery space, and by a steel protective deck from 2% to 6 in- _ ches thick, extending from stem to ' stern. Within the armor-belt and CULE VELAND, OHIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 1o, 1894. REVIEW. | No. 12. ee vitae above the protective deck a coffer- dam 3% feet wide is to extend the whole length of the ship, and to be filled with some water-excluding material. An important feature of H turn fire-tube type, each 15 | feet 3 inches in diameter and 21 feet 3 inches long, and each having eight corrugated Ls furnace flues 3 feet 3 inches inside diameter. There will be also two single-ended aux- iliary boilers, each 1o feet in = a7 it) BP fay ae Se 37112913 diameter and 8 feet 6 inches long, and each having two Ay eo «@ eo. , es rw corrugated furnaces 2 feet 9 . inches inside diameter. All ‘the boilers will be built for _160 pounds working pressure. For forced draft there will be six blowers. These engines a are expected to develop 16,000 horse power, and to propel the ship at a speed of 20 knots an hour. Protected cruiser No. 6, which the. Union Iron Works ARMORED CRUISER NEW YORK, FOR THE this ship is her machinery. She will have twin screws and will have four engines, two on each shaft, so arranged that the forward engines can be uncoupled and only the after en- gines used when cruising at slow speed. The engines will be of the vertical, inverted cylinder, direct-acting, triple expansion type, the cylinders being 32 inches, 46 inches and 70 inches in diameter, with 42 inches stroke. ‘The valves will be all piston valves, driven by link motions. The bedplates will be ot cast steel, and the engine framing will consist of cast steel inverted Y frames, two to each cylinder. There will be one condenser and one auxiliary condenser to each engine, and the circulating and air pumps will be worked by independent engines. Steam will be furnished by six double-etided boilers, of the horizontal re- UNITED STATES NAVY. is now building in San Fran- cisco, isa twin screw vessel of the following dimensions: Length on load water line, 340 feet; extreme breadth, 53 feet; mean draft, 21 feet 6 inches; displacement at normal draft, 5,500 tons. She will have two vertical direct-act- ing triple expansion engines, one toeachscrew. Thecylinders will be 42 inches, 59 inches and 92 inches in diameter and 42 inches stroke. Steam will be furnished by six boilers, two single-ended, each 15 feet 3 inches in diameter and 10 feet 114% inches long, with four corrugated tubular furnaces; the other four double- ended, 15 feet 3 inches in diameter and 21 feet 3 inches long, with light furnaces. They will carry 160 pounds working pres- sure. Working at full power and at about 128 revolutions per minute, the engines are expected to develop 13,500 horse power and to give the ship a speed of 20% knots an hour.