Seventeen ee Hikes es (eaters bande tngah boils epmencnie em This Derrick makes a complete circuit either to right or left, can be used on Lighter or Steamer, and is built with or without Self- Propelling Attachment, and of any capacity desired. Manufactured by The Simmerly Derrick Co. 186, 188,190, 192, 194 W. Center St., CLEVELAND, O. Also, manufacturers of Cars, Buckets, Friction Clutches and Pumps. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO GENERAL REPAIRING. Tz: Globe Injector. IO Works from 25 to 140 Ibs. Pressure and 1, Higher if so ordered. ) Hot pipes, jar or other motion will not effect it. A trial will Pecurse CONnVince you of its merits. On trial to responsible parties. Extra Heavy Check Valves for marine purposes. Valves and Seats of hard metal can be renewed without disconnecting body. Write for prices. MANUFACTURED BY MARTY BROS. ° Gavecisn,’o. PHOENIX IRON WORKS —MANUFACTURERS OF— Modern Marine Engines:Boilers 1223 to 1231 Fourth St., PORT HURON, MICH. { Office, 15. ) Residence, 192. FRONTIER , [RON AND BRASS WORKS, : DETROIT, MICH,, Builders of TRIPLE EXPANSION Marine Engines Engines furnished for Steamships: T. W. Palmer, Livingstone, Majestic, fampa, John Mitchell, Nyanza, Fedora, Geo.F. Williams, Mackinaw, Keweenaw, Jno. Harper, (fore and aft Panther, compound) Telephone Nos. Special Attention Given to Repairs, i and for the two coun- terparts of the Tampi, building at Wheeler’s vard. Fitted with “JOY “PATENT VALVE GEAR. FARRAR & TREFTS, Propeller, Yacht&Tug Wheels, MARINE AWD STATIONARYT SNL ES Soll ess. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 54 to 66 Perry Street, | Drilling Boilers and Engines a Special BUFFALO, N.Y. » 9 9 pecialty. HAVE YOU HEARD OF THE——————x* HYDRAULIC ceans."“ CEARS. IT IS ASTONISHING HOW WELL AND EASY THEY DO THEIR WORK, Manufactured by ite tr CRAWLEY & JOHNSTON. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, CINCINNATI, OHIO. BiG . HIGH FLASH. Monarch Valve Cylinder and Engineers Valve Oils, BAT UBRICATING PACKING, Is the BEST to be had for Steamers, Locomotives, Stationary En- > gines, Pumps, with oil, hot or cold water Valyes, Steam hammers, ete, It is made round and square. Send for circulars, or sample for trial to CREENE, TWEED & CO., 83 Chambers Street, - New York, N. Y. Manufacturing Co., 180 Columbus St., Cleveland, 0. Sole Manufacturers of the McMYLER PATENT Revolving Steam Derrick General Hoisting and Conveying Machinery, Ore and Coal Buckets and Dump Cars. ERIE OIL COMPANY, ERIE, PA., HIGH VISCOSITY. MANUFACTURERS OF THE Cn ene er rE THE MOST PERFECT CYLINDER OILS FOR MARINE USE. EVERY BARREL GUARANTEED. The National Automatic Injector. For Marine Boiler Feed it is superior to any other. ‘Our double valves in overflow makes it most per- fect, automatic and reliable ; will lift with hot suction pine, and will work water 140 hot. All parts can be duplicated without sending Injector to fac- tory. Can give best of testimonials from engineers that are using them, Will send Injector to any re- liable party on a guarantee. Give the National a trial then decide for yourself if you want it or not. We also make the National Ejector. | : : Send for Descriptive Price | : : =s— List. (S-Agents wanted in uy HAAN — Si every locality. Prices al- pis i i ways the lowest. NATIONAL BRASS MAN'F'G CO, ED cD rtm! §=1 O00 Water St.,CLEVELAND,O. ERIE RUBBER Co., HRIH, PA., — MANUFACTURERS OF THE—— KEYSTONE MARINE VALVE. These RED, AIR AND FOOT VALVES, are the Best Rubber Valwes made. OVERFLOW J. D. WILSON. M. HENDRIE. Montague Iron Works, MONTAGUE, MICH. WILSON & HENDRIE, Proprietors. MANUFACTURERS OF Marine Engines and Boilers, AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY, GEORGE B. BURGER. H. B. & C. B. BURCER, MANITOWOC, WIS. Ship Builders and Contractors. Dock will admit vessels of 1200 tons and boxes will lift 350 ton vessels. Yard is fitted with a large spar derrick, and . a stock of spars always on hand. For dimensions of Dry Dock, see page 13. HENRY B. BURGER,