TATE ui i mM >) aT ATU TS AUAINTOUAUUCOCEOREEOOOAN Daag a THE CHASE MACHINE CO., | ltl -Elm St... CLEVELAND, QO. 7 3 Machinists and Engineers, MANUFACTURERS OF Land and Marine Engines and Steam Pumps, Sole Owners and Manufacturers of the CHASE FOG WHISTLE MACHINE. Special Attention given to Marine Repair Work. ENGINEERS’ SUPPLIES. ASBESTOS PIPE and BOILER COVERING. Agents for the J. L. Rubber Valves, and Leonard & Ellis’ Valvoline. Telephone 994, DIRECTORY OF LAKE DRY DOCKS, Giving Dimensions and Location of all ss hahaa dey Docks, for Information of Owners and Masters. Length on DOCK. Keel Blocks. LOCATION. Bay City Dry Dock & Ship Y’d Co./Bay City, East Side River,..... Cleveland Dry Dock Co. ............ Cleveland, So. Side River Bed, Clark Dry Dock Co. Detroit Dry Dock Co. 310 312 § 360 ( 220 239 300 340 343 343 200 { Ship Owners’ Dry Dock Co......... 280. 390°. WORKS WITH LINK MOTION, HAS INCLINED CYLINDERS, THIS DECK HOIST IS OPERATED BY ONE LEVER, AND POSSESSES MANY ADVANTAGES OVER OTHER HOISTS, REQUIRES Lirrte DErcKk ROOM. CoMBINES STRENGTH and Utiriry. oe THE CONTINENTALARACHINE | c0., W. A. LLOYD, Manager, Eim and Hemlock Streets;: ;CLEVELAND, Oo. ACENTS FOR O’CONNELL’S PATENT CRANK PIN CREASER. Spal attention given to Marine Repair Work, Blacksmithing and Pipe Fitting. Engineers supplies kept in stock. "BUFFALO DIRECTORY . EDWARD C. GREENOUGH. re PATULE QUEEN CITY ME TAL COMPA NY, dashing Shop and Brass Foundry, CoPpepairing, and Engineers’ Supplies, Nos. 16,_ BU CRAIG SHIP BUILDING CO., FFALO, N.Y. Builders of Mera, Woop AnD ComposiTE VESSELS of all descriptions. SHIP AND STEAMBOAT JOINERS, Correspondence Solicited, TOLEDO, o Width of Gate. 4214-434 4o “ft»8 in. 68 42 42 56 TUMMELTY. Depth of Water on Sill and SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. Keel Blocks. 4 For NIGHT SERVICE, ‘ Nearest Dock to Mackinaw|Call Foreman Edward Trahan, and Sault Ste. Marie. cor. McEwan and Water Sts. Nearest Dock to Harbor En-| Watchman at Dock. Mane trance. Duane St. Foreman, 126 Watchman at Dock will « perintendent. Watchman. Will call iS) 13-14 I1%-12 104 dee 11% \1o end. 8 I2 SOOO ee eee Reese ees HeaeeressaseeeeeeE Depth of water enables loaded|Call Watchman. vessels to dock here, Three steam derricks connect- ed with each dock. Call watchman. Watchman at Dock, nights a Dock Waterlogged Vesssls. Sundays to eall foreman. Boom Derricks. Call Watchman MILLER CHEMICAL ENGINES. ‘‘No Boat Properly Fitted Out Without Them.”’ Use only Machines that are RELIABLE; selves IN ACTUAL SERVICE. that have PROVED them- 100 Boats already use them. Cleveland, Jan. 6, 1891. MILLER CHE MICAL ENGINE Co., Room 4, Bice nt BIk. GENTLEMEN: I had oce;sion on the 13th of November to use your Extinguisher on board the steamer Queen of the West, of Cleveland. <A large lamp used for signal purposes aft, fell about Pane feet and set fire to the whole roof of the engine room. I do not know what the consequences would have been but for the prompt and effectual way in which your extil guisher put out the fire, as the wind was’ blowing hard and a heavy sea running at the time. I heartil; recommend your machine as a fire extinguisher on all classes of .teamships. Yours truly, JOS. A. NICOLSEN, Master Str. Queen of the West. 182 24th Street, MILLER CHEMICAL ENGINE Co. Detroit, Mich., Jan 12, 1891. DEAR SiRS: Going up Lake Huron last fall during a heavy gale of wind and a big sea running, a fire broke out in: one of the rooms of the steamer F ayette Brown, through the accidental upsetting of a lamp among some papers, and had gained con- siderable headway before “discovered. By the prompt use of one of your Chemical Engines it was quickly subdued, and I think there was less than a pint of the fluid used. Have no doubt the fire would haye given us lots of trouble without some such prompt and easy way of extinguishing it. Since that time I do not think a steamboat properly fitted out without the Miller Chemical Engine. Yours truly, C.H. BASSETT, Master Str. Fayett Brown. Signal Oilers. INCOMPARABLE FoR ENGINES AND DYNAMOS., Convenient to fill. Easy to regulate. Flow of oil can be in- stantly shut off by simply moving the lever down— ) without Adela bith, the ad- justment. 7 Also made Double and Tiiple Sight feed for Marine Engines. Your dealer can supply you. Manufactured by The Wm. Powell Co., CINCINNATI, O, SAMPLE TO THE MANUFACTURERS, | WHO GUARANTEE T. M. SINCLAIR & CO., CepaR Rapips, Iowa.