Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 14 May 1891, p. 12

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12 MARINE REVIEW. EE. L.. PARRISH & CO., SHIP CHANDLERS, SAIL, AWNING and RIGGING LOFT. Boston and Lockport Block Co.’s Patent 5-Roller Bushed Blocks. INCOMPARABLE For | ENGINES AND DYNAMOS. Convenient to fill. Easy to regulate. ri Flow of oil can be in- i stantly shut off by simply i} moving the lever down— ) without disturbing the ad- justment. Also made D -uble and Tiiple Sight feed for | Marine Enginés. Your desler can supply you. Manufactured by The Wm. Powell Co., | CINCINNATI, O. MANUFACTURERS, WHO GUARANTEE ITS ABSOLUTE PURITY. T. M. SINCLAIR & CO., CepaAR Rapips, Iowa. | VESSEL AND MACHINERY EXCHANCE. Space under this heading may be used gratis by our advertisers or subscribers to call attention to vessels or any craft, machinery, new or second hand, that they may have for sale. Those wanting machinery of any kind, or wishing to purchase vessels, are invited to take advan- tage of the same offer. Each item will be limited to three lines. Letters concerning same must mention number attached to item and be addressed MARINE REVIEW, 510 Perry-Payne Brilding, Cleveland. 0. 59—Tug drawing 36 inches, 90 feet over all, licensed to run on east shore of Lake Michigan, for sale. pa 41 Ee ee ee ee eee eee eee eee eee 69—WANTED-—A steamier 60 feet ‘oug, thet will draw not over 30 inches when loaded. 58—Crosby Indicator, used only four times, for sale cheap. (867. PERFECT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. (§9{, A. G. HARBAUGH & CO., 34 & 36 River Street, CLEVELAND, O. Manufacturers of Strictly Pure and Acidless Lard Oils,specially adapted for Steamboat use. Will furnish Brand free for Ship Chandlers or other dealers who desire their name and address on packages. WRECKI*‘G AND TOWING COMPANIES. me I. H. OWEN, Prestpenr, F.H.VAN CLEVE, Src. CAPT, GEO. BARTLEY, Supt. Chicago. Escanaba. Escanaba. ESCANABA TOWING & WRECKING CO., Escanaba, Mich. Tugs, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Hawsers, Hydraulic Jacks and Diving Appliances always ready. x 147 § Engine Compound, Cylinder 16 and 30 inches diameter, 30 inch. TUG MONARCH, { __ Stroke, Steam Pressure Allowed, 125 pounds, : TUG DELTA, | Cylinder 20 by 22, Steam Pressure Allowed, 105 pounds, TUG OWEN, | Cylinder 20 by 2), Steam Pressure Allowed, 104 pounds. CENTRIFUCAL PUMPS, Seven and Fourteen Inch Suction. THE TINNERMAN STEEL RANGE CO. j 797,799, 801 & 803 Lorain, Cor. Fulton St., CLEVELAND,O. —MANUFACTURERS OF— THE OHIO WROUGHT STEEL RANGES ——FOR-— STEAMBOATS, HOTELS and FAMILY USE. Owners and Masters, buy a Range by all means. Buy an OHIO WROUGHT STEEL RANGE with ‘6 Moderate Means. 11-13 Main Street, BUFFALO, N. Y. Telephone 314. SEWELL & DAY’S BOSTON ROPE. AND WATER PACKING. Pat’d June 1, 1880—The Original Ring Packing. For Piston Rods, Valve Stem of Steam Engines, Steam Pumps, and especially adapted for Marine Engines and Electric Light Plants. (eIn ordering, give exact diameter of Stuffing Box and Piston Rod or Valve Stem, Self-Lubricating, Steam and Water Tight. Less friction than any other known Packing. Never grows hard if directions are§ followed. Does not corrode the rod. Every Package Fully anted. ss WR this packing will be sent to any address, and, if not satisfactory after a trial of 30 days, can be returned at our expense. None genuine without this trade-mark and date of patent, stamped on wrapper. All similar Packages are Imitations, and calculated to deceive. THE GOULD PACKING COMPANY, ALBION CHIPMAN, Treasurer, East Cambridge, Mass. TRADE-MARK, NEWLY FINISHED, FINE MODEL, FAST TUG FOR SALE. Dimensions, 76 feet long, 15} feet beam, 7 feet deep, with an engine 18 x 20; steam supplied by steel boiler 6 ft. 8 by 10 ft. 8. D. BELT ENGINE WORKS. BUFFALO, N.Y. F. A. FORCIER. M. L. WEIL The Champion of all Fire Extinguishers ! Just the Thing that is Wanted on Every Vessel | CLEVELAND, O., Sept. 19, 1890: Black Cloud Chemical Fire Extinguisher, @o.: GENTS: It affords me great pleasure to testify. of the great work your extinguisher does. I have four of them on board and for their simplicity of handling, as well as quickness of extinguishing a fire, they have no equal. Yours truly, Capt. H. Hs Hickory, 26-30 E. Main Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO. : Office, 31 Atwater Building, TRAVELERS’ REGISTER. Standard time, given here, is 33 minutes slower than City time. THE NEW YORK, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS R. R. Arrive East. Depart East. Buffalo Passem ser .cccccgeosccy ss cw aenecncssens oes 10 40 AM 10 45 AM Chicago Passen cer sic. ciedicsccucctigsectecussacs O 20 BM seeks: ; "- WESTWARD. Arrive. Depart. Chicago Passenger oc. <ccc css cvasesunteccceet nec a peta 6 30 AM Fostoria Passef G0? iiss ceases ccnp ssc yciec os 5 06PM - 5 I1 PM All trains daily except Sunday. ERIE RAILWAY. : Arrive Depart Youngstown Accommodation..............65 *7 15 AM t6 00 AM New York and Pittsburg Express ......... T5 15 AM *8 10:AM Pittsburg Accommodation.. ........6.c:06cee *12 30 PM *11 25 AM New York & Pittsburgh Limited............ *9 55 AM *2 55 PM Mantua Accommodation ...........c.sseseuneee *7 20 PM *4 20 PM Youngstown PBapress.....seicscscsssGc stn t9 10 PM 16 00 PM New York & Pittsburgh Express... ....... *6 50 PM *TI 00: PM * Daily. t Daily except Sunday. This is the only route by which passengers can reach Co lmira bi, “soy ee os ibe York City without change Pet e short and direct route to Pittsburg, Washington and Baltimore. Only 4% hours to Pittsburg; four trains ake : : For tickets, sleeping car space and further information address City’ Passenger Agent, 141 Superior St., (Weddell H Passenger Station, South Water sucde a A. M. Tucker, Gen’l Manager, Cleveland, O. W. C. RINEARSON, Gen. Pass. Agt., New York. Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railway, OVER 100 MILES SHORTER than any other line EAL And Principal noe England. ane Canadian Points rete is BOSTON, MONTR 5) reat Northwes : : : THE ONLY LINE TO ST. PAUL AND MINNE | The New Short Line from principal points in Michigan io DULUTH: PACIFIC GOAST __and intermediate sections. RATES ALWAYS THE LOWEST ar e wow and elegant Wagn r Vestibule Buffet Sleeping Cars on through trains For ime tables, tickets and general information call on nearest ticket a nt or write to C. P, FLATLEY, Genl. Western Agt., V. DEARING, District Pass, Agt. 291 Jackson Street, Sr. PAUL, MINN. 2 ay CARKE, Peden 02 Main Street, JACKSON, MICH. W. F, FITCH, Genl, Manager Unercial Ast, 327 Superior St., DULUTH. * Marquerre, Mion, , Genl, Pass. & Tkt. Agent Gc EB. Fouts, €. P. and ‘Ty A;, Cleveland, O. Schooner E. B. Palmer} HS DLAC CLOUD CHEMICAL TIRE EXTINGUISEES 0,

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